The purpose of this study was to compare L-cone–driven, S-cone–driven, and rod-driven temporal contrast sensitivities (tCSs) in patients with Stargardt disease 1/fundus flavimaculatus (STGD1/FF).
Fourteen patients (eight male, six female; mean age, 43.21 ± 13.18 years) with genetically confirmed STGD1/FF participated in this study. A dedicated light-emitting diode stimulator was used to measure perifoveal tCSs in an annular test field (1°–6° of visual eccentricity) at temporal frequencies between 1 and 20 Hz. Photoreceptor classes were isolated with the triple silent substitution technique. To compare functional damage among photoreceptor classes, sensitivity deviations (decibels) were calculated based on age-related normal values and then averaged across those frequencies where perception is mediated by the same post-receptoral pathway (L-cone red–green opponent pathway: 1, 2, 4 Hz; luminance pathway: 12, 16, 20 Hz; S-cone pathway: 1, 2, 4 Hz; fast rod pathway: 8, 10, 12 Hz). Sensitivity deviations were compared with infrared scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (IR-SLO) and standard automated perimetry (SAP).
Photoreceptor-driven tCSs were generally lower in patients with STGD1/FF than in normal subjects but were without systematic differences among photoreceptors. Although sensitivity deviations were significantly correlated between each other, only luminance-driven L-cone sensitivity deviations were significantly correlated with the IR-SLO area of hyporeflectance (AoH) and SAP central mean deviation within 6° eccentricity (MD6deg).
No systematic differences between photoreceptor classes were detected; however, our data suggest that temporal contrasts detected by the luminance pathway were closely correlated with other clinical parameters (AoH and MD6deg) and might be most useful as functional biomarkers in clinical trials.
Stargardt disease 1 (STGD1) and fundus flavimaculatus (FF) are the most frequent, often overlapping phenotypes caused by recessive mutations in the
ABCA4 gene, a transmembrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter in the photoreceptors.
1,2 STGD1, the leading cause of Mendelian macular dystrophy (MIM 248200), was first described by Karl Stargardt
3 as a juvenile macular dystrophy with a central atrophic lesion surrounded by yellow–white flecks. Sometimes the fovea is spared, so that patients present with a bull's-eye maculopathy (BEM),
4 but foveal sparing may progress to central atrophy. FF (MIM 248200) is characterized by orange–yellow flecks distributed over the posterior pole, either with or without atrophic lesions.
5 Additionally, recessive
ABCA4 mutations also affect the peripheral retina, resulting in generalized cone–rod dystrophy
6 or retinitis pigmentosa.
The central lesions often include atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which can be characterized by a dark area of absent fundus autofluorescence. However, the area of hyporeflectance in the infrared scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (IR-SLO) images (frequently displayed as an en face image alongside OCT sections) is usually larger than the area of hypofluorescence. It is caused by disruption of the outer retinal layers and shows a strong association with the area of decreased perimetric sensitivity.
Characterization of visual function in STGD1/FF is complex due to the variability of phenotypes.
ABCA4 is expressed in both cones
2 and rods.
2 STGD1/FF may cause not only loss of visual acuity,
9 central or ring-shaped scotomata,
10 and color vision defects,
11 but also impaired dark adaptation.
12 Most functional endpoints, such as visual acuity and microperimetry, progress slowly, which renders them less useful for trials of therapies that halt progression. New functional endpoints are needed, and scotopic, rod-driven microperimetry has been suggested as an alternative.
13,14 Photopic (cone-dominated) and scotopic (rod-dominated) function can progress at different rates in the beginning of peripheral retinal degeneration.
The current techniques for isolated measurements of cone- or rod-mediated retinal function, especially light- and dark-adapted chromatic perimetry, do not always allow sufficient isolation.
15 In contrast, the silent substitution technique
16,17 enables reliable isolation of responses of photoreceptor subtypes in psychophysical tests
18–20 and electroretinograms (ERGs).
21,22 Importantly, isolation of the responses of the different photoreceptor types can be obtained at equal states of luminance and chromatic adaptation. Thus, when using the triple silent substitution, losses of temporal contrast sensitivity (tCS) can be compared directly among photoreceptor types.
20 We have validated the technique to measure photoreceptor-isolating, perifoveal tCS in normal subjects, dichromats, and an S-cone monochromat.
18,19 In addition, we were able to demonstrate tCS losses in patients with glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa.
In the present study, we measured photoreceptor-isolating tCSs in the perifovea in patients with STGD1/FF with the purpose of (1) determining the feasibility of such measurements, (2) comparing losses in tCS among photoreceptor types, and (3) investigating how these tCS losses relate to established clinical outcome parameters.
Fourteen patients with STGD1/FF (12 of them genetically confirmed) participated in this study (eight males, six females; ages 24–63 years; mean age, 43.21 ± 13.18 years). All participants gave prior written informed consent. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the ethics committee of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Clinical examinations consisted of subjective and objective refraction, best-corrected visual acuity, slit-lamp examination, air-puff tonometry, and dilated funduscopy. Accordingly, patients were subdivided into three groups (fundus flavimaculatus, bull's-eye-maculopathy, and central foveal atrophy [CFA]), which are described in
Table 1. This classification is partially based on the fixation locus, which came from the infrared SLO images that were obtained simultaneously with the OCT measurements and validated with the visual field measurements.
Table 1. Groups and Descriptions of the Patients With Stargardt Disease
Table 1. Groups and Descriptions of the Patients With Stargardt Disease
Exclusion criteria were the presence of concomitant ocular diseases, especially clinically significant opacification of the optic media, severe refractive errors (myopia, <−8 diopter [D]; hyperoperia, >+4 D; astigmatism, >2 D), medical therapies that are known to impair visual function, and systemic diseases that might affect visual function.
Temporal contrast sensitivities were measured with a two-channel Maxwellian view optical system with four light-emitting diode (LED) primaries in each channel. Technical details
24 and calibration procedures
18 have been described previously. The spectral outputs of the LEDs peaked at 660 nm (red), 558 nm (green), 516 nm (cyan), and 460 nm (blue) and were narrowed to an 8- to 10-nm bandwidth at half-height by interference filters. LED luminances were driven independently by the eight channels of a personal computer soundcard (Xonar D2/PM, ASUSTek, Taipei, Taiwan)
25 based on fourth-order polynomials that were fitted to LED luminances as a function of input strength. The stimuli were viewed through a 3-mm-diameter artificial pupil positioned in the focus (i.e., pupil plane) of the Maxwellian view system close to the subject's pupil. According to our calculations,
18 natural pupil size was always larger than 3 mm at all retinal illuminances that we used, regardless of age. Corrective lenses were added at the pupil plane when necessary (myopia or hyperopia with spherical equivalent > ±1 D). The use of an artificial pupil together with chin and forehead rests was sufficient to stabilize the head and more acceptable than bite bars, especially for elderly patients. Minor head movements were not problematic, and mispositioning could be identified by semilunar shadows at the edge of the test field. Observers were instructed to attain a correct head positioning so that the complete stimulus was visible. They were encouraged to take their time to find a comfortable head position.
The spatial and temporal structure of the stimuli are illustrated in
Figure 1. Briefly, the test field had an annular shape with 2° inner and 13° outer diameter projected onto the perifoveal retina. The rationale for choosing this spatial arrangement was to minimize the influence of the macular pigment on the rod and cone fundamentals. In this field, luminances of the four primaries were modulated sinusoidally over time using temporal contrasts that modulated the excitation of a single photoreceptor type while the others were silenced (see below). The central circular field of 2° diameter was used as the fixation target. Subjects were requested to fixate the center of this field if they were able to identify it or to look straight ahead, centering a central scotoma in the surround field. The unmodulated center and the modulated annular field had equal time-averaged chromaticities that were close to equal-energy white with coordinates of
x = 0.38 and
y = 0.28 in the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram. The time-averaged retinal illuminance produced by the annular field was 289 photopic trolands (phot td). In the central field, retinal illuminance was set to 144.5 phot td in order to avoid foveal stimulation through stray light.
Rod- and cone-isolating stimuli were created using the triple silent substitution paradigm (
Figs. 1B,
17,26 as described previously.
18 Briefly, successful silent substitution ensures that detection of temporal contrasts is mediated by only one photoreceptor class. Contrasts at photoreceptor level were calculated based on the Stockman and Sharpe 10° cone fundamentals for cones
27,28 and the scotopic luminous efficiency,
V′(λ), for rods.
29 Photoreceptor contrasts were varied by proportional variation of the LED contrasts so that their contrast ratios and their relative phases remained constant and silent substitution was ensured at all contrasts. The gamut (i.e., maximal possible cone or rod contrasts) of the stimulator was 24.95% L-cone contrast, 22.33% M-cone contrast, 82.75% S-cone contrast, and 27.30% rod contrast.
Detection thresholds were determined at nine different temporal frequencies (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 Hz) using a modified yes/no Parametric Estimation by Sequential Testing (PEST) procedure, where subjects had to indicate whether or not they perceived a temporal modulation (flicker). We used two randomly interleaved staircases, one starting at 0% and the other one at maximal contrast. The contrast was increased when the subjects did not perceive flicker and decreased when they perceived the modulation. The initial contrast change was 20% of the maximally possible contrast. Contrast step size was halved, and its direction was inversed at each perceptual reversal (from flicker perception to no flicker perception and vice versa). The termination criterion was either a step size of one-seventh or less of the current contrast after at least two reversals or no flicker perception at maximal possible contrast for three times.
Data analysis was conducted using R. The tCS values were defined as 100 times the inverse of the photoreceptor contrast at threshold (in percent). The temporal contrast sensitivity functions (tCSFs) show contrast sensitivity as a function of the temporal frequency.
For comparison among photoreceptors, we calculated sensitivity deviation values (dB) as the difference between age-adjusted log sensitivity values of the patients and the normal log sensitivities (1 dB = 0.1 log contrast sensitivity). Age adjustment was based on previously described measurements.
20 A negative sensitivity deviation corresponded to a loss of function. To reduce the number of statistical comparisons, we calculated a mean deviation (MD) by averaging sensitivity deviations over a range of frequencies where detection is expected to be mediated by a single retinogeniculate pathway and without intrusion by other pathways
18,19,31: (1) LMD
low, red–green opponent pathway-mediated L-cone–driven sensitivities at 1, 2, and 4 Hz; (2) LMD
high, luminance pathway-mediated L-cone–driven sensitivities at 12, 16, and 20 Hz; (3) SMD, blue–yellow opponent pathway-mediated S-cone–driven sensitivities at 1, 2, and 4 Hz; and (4) RMD, rod-driven sensitivities at 8, 10, and 12 Hz. L-cone and M-cone sensitivity deviations were found to be highly correlated (indicating that the same pathways were involved). We therefore only used L-cone stimuli for measuring deviations in parvo- and magnocellular pathway-mediated sensitivities.
We used the Mann–Whitney U test for identifying statistically significant differences in sensitivity deviation between patients and normal subjects. The differences among patient groups were tested using Kruskall–Wallis tests followed by Dunn's test with Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. The significance of correlations between clinical features was assessed with Pearson correlation coefficients, multiple testing was corrected using Holm's correction. Significance level for all tests was set at P < 0.05.
When patients were unable to perceive the highest contrast technically possible for the given photoreceptor type (LED stimulator gamut), we proceeded depending on the type of analysis. For the tCSFs we used a sensitivity of 1.0 as an estimate when such floor effects occurred (
Figs. 3 and
4), and for the sensitivity loss plots we age-adjusted the sensitivity that corresponded to a threshold exactly at the gamut of the device as a more conservative estimate instead (
Fig. 5). However, this leads to lower sensitivity loss estimates at higher ages, because normal values decrease with age; therefore, we did not include these estimates in the calculation of mean deviations.
Figure 6 and
Table 4 compare photoreceptor-specific tCS mean deviations for different photoreceptor types and post-receptoral pathways. The individual data points are connected to facilitate intraindividual comparison, so that large differences are highlighted by steep slopes.
Table 4. Temporal Contrast Sensitivity Mean Deviations
Table 4. Temporal Contrast Sensitivity Mean Deviations
Table 5. Comparison by Group, with Medians (First; Third Quartiles) for Continuous Variables and n (%) for Subject Gender
Table 5. Comparison by Group, with Medians (First; Third Quartiles) for Continuous Variables and n (%) for Subject Gender
For the patients with FF, the MDs were normal for all photoreceptor subtypes, but there was a tendency toward rod dysfunction in Patient 3. Two out of three patients with BEM and all of the patients with CFA had reduced MD values, except for Patient 5, who had a positive LMDLow. There was a tendency toward lower LMDHigh values.
Patient 9 had an extremely low LMD
Low value and a not-measurable LMD
High value, likely due to protanopy. This patient had CFA, but her data cannot be directly compared with the other patients from this group, so we show her data in a separate panel in
Figure 6.
The mean deviations of the patients with STGD1/FF indicate significant sensitivity losses compared with normal subjects (LMDlow, P = 0.016; LMDhigh, P = 0.002; RMD, P = 0.004). SMD nearly reached statistical significance (P = 0.057).
A Kruskall–Wallis test that was performed across all patient groups revealed no differences between the different photoreceptor classes (
P = 0.366; eta2[
H] = 0.0033). However, when we compared the differences among the FF, BEM, and CFA groups, the LMD
high values were significantly different among the classification groups (
P = 0.045; eta2[
H] = 0.38). A post hoc Dunn's test indicated a statistical difference between the CFA and FF groups (
P = 0.016) (
Table 5).
Correlations among photoreceptor-/pathway-specific MDs are displayed in
Figure 7. LMD
high was strongly correlated with LMD
Low (
t = 3.7219;
P = 0.0034;
R = 0.7465), SMD (
t = 3.2082;
P = 0.0094;
R = 0.7121), and RMD (
t = 2.3173;
P = 0.0491;
R = 0.63). LMD
Low was correlated with RMD (
t = 2.8263;
P = 0.0223;
R = 0.71) and with SMD (
t = 2.5511;
P = 0.0269;
R = 0.61), but there were no correlations between RMD and SMD.
A limitation of our study is the small sample size of patients with STGD1/FF, the high prevalence of very mild phenotypes, and the absence of end-stage disease.
Eccentric fixation is a relevant challenge, as an earlier study on functional tests in patients with STGD1/FF did show.
32 Jackson et al.
49 observed that patients with STGD1/FF may adjust fixation, when instructed properly. We instructed patients to fixate so that they saw an annular stimulus and that their scotoma was in the center of the test field, and most patients reported to be able to do so. Thus, although we were not able to monitor either fixation locus or fixation stability with our setup, this approach must have minimized the effects of unstable eccentric fixation.
When using the silent substitution technique, the presence of X-linked color vision defects must be excluded, because the calculation of the tCS is based on the spectral sensitivities of normal photoreceptors. However, our data show that identification of patients with concomitant color vision defects is possible from the tCS curves. Indeed, we identified protanopy in one patient (Patient 9). Minor congenital deuteranomalies or protanomalies are less easy to detect with color vision tests, because patients with STGD1 have acquired color vision deficits (mostly pseudoprotanomaly
50) and because tests such as the Panel D15 have a suboptimal sensitivity for small defects.
51 In contrast to dichromats,
18 detecting anomalous trichromats with the tCS curves is probably also more difficult. This issue can be addressed in the future by sequencing
OPN1LW and
OPN1MW genes.
Restricted spatial resolution can be considered another limitation of our technique, because very localized changes in retinal function may not be detected. Finally, we cannot draw conclusions from this cross-sectional study about the value of measuring photoreceptor-specific tCSs in longitudinal studies. We are currently conducting a study of longitudinal change of photoreceptor-specific tCS.
The authors thank Sarah Stolper for her help with participant's inclusion.
Supported by grants from the German Research Council (HU2340/1-1 to CH; KR1317/16-1 to JK) and by research grants from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (ELAN, IZKF Rotationsstelle). The present work was performed in (partial) fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree “Dr. rer. biol. hum” for Julien Fars.
Disclosure: J. Fars, None; F. Pasutto, None; J. Kremers, None; C. Huchzermeyer, None