Two-photon vision relies on the perception of pulsed infrared light due to two-photon absorption in visual pigments. This study aimed to measure human pupil reaction caused by a two-photon 1040-nm stimulus and compare it with pupil responses elicited by 520-nm stimuli of similar color.
Pupillary light reflex (PLR) was induced on 14 dark-adapted healthy subjects. Three types of fovea-centered stimuli of 3.5° diameter were tested: spirals formed by fast scanning 1040-nm (infrared [IR] laser) or 520-nm (visible [VIS] laser) laser beams and uniformly filled circle created by 520-nm LED (VIS light-emitting diode [LED]). The power of visible stimuli was determined with a dedicated procedure to obtain the same perceived brightness equivalent as for 800 µW used for two-photon stimulation.
The minimum pupil diameter for IR laser was 88% ± 10% of baseline, significantly larger than for both VIS stimuli: 74% ± 10% (laser) and 69% ± 9% (LED). Mean constriction velocity and time to maximum constriction had significantly smaller values for IR than for both VIS stimuli. Latency times were similar for IR and VIS lasers and slightly smaller for VIS LED.
The two-photon stimulus caused a considerably weaker pupil reaction than one-photon stimuli of the same shape, brightness, and similar color. The smaller pupil response may be due to weaker two-photon stimulation of rods relative to cones as previously observed for two-photon vision. Contrary to normal vision, in a two-photon process the stray light is not perceived, which might reduce the number of stimulated photoreceptors and further weaken the PLR.
Due to pupillary light reflex (PLR), the human eye adjusts the amount of light reaching the retina, thus regulating the illumination of the photoreceptors and keeping them from being saturated.
1 The reflex is a valuable part of the standard neurological examination because it reflects the functioning of the nervous system. The PLR measurement is a well-established method in the management and prognosis of patients with acute brain injuries,
2 idiopathic intracranial hypertension,
3 early diagnostic of inner neuroretina changes in patients with diabetes,
4 glaucoma,
5–7 subclinical stages of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease,
8 or in the screening of neurodevelopmental disorders in children.
9 The PLR could also be an indicator of parasympathetic activity by testing its relationship with daily-life fatigue
10 and a marker of both central sympathetic and parasympathetic balance in clinical studies of depression.
11 A part of clinical diagnostics for many years, the PLR still finds new clinical applications.
12 For example, chromatic pupilloperimetry may potentially be used for objective noninvasive assessment of rod and cone cell function in different locations of the retina.
The magnitude of the PLR generally follows the eye's spectral sensitivity, with a maximum for green color under photopic conditions and with a blue shift under dark adaptation.
1,15 Recently, investigations of pupil response dependence on stimulation wavelength were motivated by the discovery of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs).
16–20 Registered pupil reactions for red light (600 nm
21 and 650 nm
19) were generally weaker than for green and blue. Infrared light around 1000 nm is not considered to trigger the PLR because this spectral region is not covered by the luminous spectral efficiency function,
22 However, it was recently found that short-pulsed light of this wavelength can stimulate the human visual system and is then perceived as visible light of a color close to half the wavelength applied for the stimulation.
23 The effect is caused by two-photon absorption occurring in visual pigments; thus, it is referred to as two-photon vision.
24 To the best of our knowledge, there is no study reporting the PLR following infrared light stimulation perceived in this way.
Studies of two-photon vision are a new research field; devices and techniques for quantifying this phenomenon are currently being developed.
24–27 Highly localized stimulation of the retina offered by the two-photon process could benefit novel devices for ophthalmic diagnosis. Due to better penetration through opaque media, infrared light might be employed in patients suffering from cataract.
24,28 The two-photon vision microperimetry was also successfully applied for testing patients with diabetic retinopathy
29 and AMD.
30 A natural variable aperture (i.e., pupil) is a crucial factor of an ophthalmic system. Therefore, whether and how the pupils react to the two-photon stimulation are essential questions in developing novel eye diagnostic modalities based on two-photon vision.
Classical psychophysical methods of measuring visual perception rely on feedback from the tested subjects; however, the PLR, upon two-photon stimulation, could serve as a relatively objective measure of a psychophysical response. It could also complement two-photon perimetry with the information on pupil reaction upon two-photon stimulus.
31 Pupil campimetry
32,33 or chromatic pupilloperimetry,
34,35 in which a small area of the retina is stimulated to determine if and how the subject sees, could also be adapted for two-photon vision.
The present study aimed to establish whether and how a human pupil reacts to two-photon infrared stimulation. The two-photon–induced PLRs (1040 nm) were registered and compared with PLRs following one-photon stimuli (520 nm) of similar color. The brightness adjustment test for 520 nm and 1040 nm stimuli was conducted to obtain the same perceived intensity. To quantitatively compare the effect of two-photon stimulation with the reaction of the visual system to typical, one-photon stimuli, four PLR parameters were determined: minimum pupil diameter, latency time, mean constriction velocity, and time to maximum constriction.
The subject group was comprised of 14 healthy Caucasian subjects (seven female, seven male) ages 20 to 42 years (mean, 30.7 years; SD, 7.9 years). Three authors participated in the experiments (AZ as P9, MS as P15, and KK as P13). Among the remaining participants were six members of the Laboratory of Applied Biophotonics, Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The subjects did not report any visual problems; the mean refractive error of participants was –0.5 diopter (D), with SD = 1.0 D. The participants had normal color vision, as determined by the Ishihara test and the D-15 dichotomous test. Pupil dilation was not used.
The study protocol adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Participants were informed of the nature of the experiment and the potential risks involved and signed a consent form. All tests were conducted in compliance with the Polish safety standard PN EN 60825-1:2014 and standard ANSI Z136.1-2014.
Although the laser beams continuously scanned the retina during our experiments, we complied with the stricter safety levels calculated for stationary beams. The maximum permissible radiant powers (MPΦs) calculated for 3-minute exposures of the immobilized eye for pulsed laser beams of wavelengths 1040 nm and 520 nm (pulse width, 200 fs; repetition frequency, 76 MHz) are 905 µW and 199 nW, respectively.
38,39 In our procedure, the initial focusing of the stimuli took 1 to 2 minutes and was performed for an IR laser of power about 150 µW; the brightness adjustment test for a single power value was ∼1 minute, and each PLR stimulus lasted 2 seconds. During the periods between PLR registrations and brightness adjustment for a single power, the beams were closed with shutters S1 and S2. The highest power of the 1040-nm beam (800 µW) was used for only one of the six powers tested in the brightness adjustment and for PLR registration. The power of the 520-nm beam (some hundreds of picowatts) was three orders of magnitude lower than the calculated MPΦ. During the brightness adjustment procedure, both laser stimuli were displayed simultaneously but, due to scanning, practically never at the same retinal location.
The authors thank Krzysztof Dalasiński, Anna Matuszak, and Karolina Kiluk for their help in the preparing the experiments and Maciej Nowakowski for suggestions for the manuscript.
Supported by a grant from the National Science Centre (2016/23/B/ST2/00752). The International Centre for Translational Eye Research (MAB/2019/12) project is carried out within the International Research Agendas Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. MS acknowledges support by a grant from the Foundation for Polish Science (POIR.04.04.00-00-2070/16-00).
Disclosure: A. Zielińska, None; P. Ciąćka, None; M. Szkulmowski, None; K. Komar, (P)