In humans, most retinal vasculature development is completed by birth. After preterm birth, ROP commences with suppression in the growth of immature retinal vasculature, secondary to oxygen supplementation, loss of growth factors provided in utero, and metabolic dysregulation.
10 In the two-phase hypothesis of ROP, such an acute rise in oxygen tension can stimulate apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells (ECs) and may cause vaso-obliteration via generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (phase I). In a subsequent phase, an infant's vaso-obliterated retina undergoes hypoxic/ischemic stress, which triggers a series of events, such as stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and production of various proangiogenic factors, resulting in neovascularization (phase II).
11 Most cells respond to hypoxia by increasing the stability of HIF-1, which in turn induces the transcription of HIF-1–dependent VEGF-A.
12 VEGF-A is critical for blood vessels and neural growth and stability.
13 In oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) models of proliferative retinopathy, relative hypoxia induces high levels of VEGF-A production, causing uncontrolled vessel growth.
14 The metabolic needs of photoreceptors regulate this process. Photoreceptor metabolic alterations can control pathological angiogenesis.
15 It is also possible to modulate the neovascular response in OIR indirectly by manipulating hypoxia sensing or metabolic homeostasis in the entire retina.
16 This can be achieved by interfering with the hypoxia sensing mechanisms in retinal cells in an OIR model. Several compounds that can antagonize HIF-1α have also been shown to reduce neovascularization after intraocular injection in an OIR model,
17–20 associated with Müller cell-specific HIF-1α deletion.
21 Deletion of HIF-2α, rather than HIF-1α deletion, in retinal astrocytes also reduces neovascularization.
22,23 Apart from measuring oxygen levels, retinal cells can also use the concentration of metabolic intermediates to respond to changes in vascular supply. During the second, hypoxic phase in an OIR model, aerobic respiration is reduced and the Krebs cycle intermediate, succinate, builds up. Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) respond to succinate build-up by upregulating angiogenic factors, including VEGF, contributing to neovascularization.
24 Thus, manipulating metabolic sensing or activity in the retina could also be a promising strategy to reduce hypoxia-induced neovascularization.