As hypothesized, subjects with INS showed poorer coherent motion detection performance (i.e. elevated motion coherence thresholds) compared with controls for both horizontal and vertical motion directions.
The most relevant study pertaining to our findings was Neveu et al.
16 who evaluated local and global motion processing in subjects with nystagmus and albinism, and subjects with albinism only. As stated previously, nystagmus could be a contributing factor in elevating the motion coherence thresholds. In the present study, 21 (95%) of the 22 subjects with idiopathic INS showed elevated motion coherence thresholds, which is in agreement with Neveu et al.
16 Their stimuli were small, circular, drifting Gabor patches in fixed locations but with variably aligned drift directions. They thus could separately assess both local and global motion deficits. Our measurements were coarser, looking only at global motion in orthogonal vertical and horizontal directions. They also assessed contrast detection. Our study used drifting dots with 100% contrast and of a size within the resolution limits of all participants. However, we did not assess whether the detection these stimuli was of equal difficulty for all participants. A follow-up study could adjust the dot size for equal detectability as well as examine the effects of equating detection by varying contrast (i.e. lowering it for higher acuity subjects). The dependence of horizontal (but not vertical) thresholds upon acuity suggests that this might reduce variability of performance in the INS group.
Although it seems that the physical retinal image motion imposed by nystagmus may contribute to the deficits in coherent motion detection, a developmental component to these deficits cannot be ruled out. INS usually presents at or near birth, and early visual experience has been demonstrated to have a profound impact on visual areas of the brain.
29 One condition of interest is amblyopia, which has been well-reported in the literature as a result of binocular visual deprivation from early childhood due to INS.
30–32 Von Noorden
30 stated that individuals with congenital nystagmus could develop bilateral stimulation deprivation amblyopia, as the constant retinal motion could prevent the formation of well-defined images during the early critical visual developmental period. Felius et al.
31 found that children with idiopathic INS could have bilateral deprivation amblyopia due to pendular nystagmus with poor foveation characteristics during the early critical period of visual development. Similarly, Dunn et al.
9 assessed visual acuity in INS in the absence of retinal image motion and found that subjects with INS showed worse visual acuity than controls under tachistoscopic illumination conditions (i.e. flashed illumination) when the image motion blur was removed. Other studies have also noted that bilateral amblyopia might contribute in part to the poor vision in older children and adults with INS due to binocular visual deprivation from early childhood.
32,33 Overall, all these findings strongly suggest that eye oscillations in later life do not significantly impair visual acuity in individuals with INS; their visual acuity may have already been fundamentally limited by a stimulus deprivation amblyopia owing to motion blur during the early critical visual developmental period. Thus, it is possible that bilateral deprivation amblyopia could result from INS.
When assessing the coherent motion processing in individuals with amblyopia, several studies have reported elevated thresholds. Using RDK stimuli, Simmers et al.
27 investigated global motion processing in observers with unilateral strabismic and/or anisometropic amblyopia. They detected elevated motion coherence thresholds for both the amblyopic and the fellow eyes. The authors suggested that this coherent motion perception deficit consisted of both contrast- and signal-to-noise dependent components. The contrast-dependent deficit was related to the contrast sensitivity deficit in amblyopia, and the signal-to-noise dependent deficit was likely associated with local motion integration in the second stage (dorsal pathway in extra-striate cortex) of global motion processing deficit. Aaen-Stockdale et al.
34 has also demonstrated that global motion deficit is independent of the low-level deficits to contrast sensitivity and spatial frequency in amblyopia, which suggest that global motion processing in amblyopia is broadband and high-level (extra-striate).
Apart from INS, congenital cataracts leading to deprivation amblyopia, and thus resulting in elevated motion coherence thresholds, have also been described in the literature.
26,28 Ellemberg et al.
26 assessed global motion sensitivity in subjects with unilateral or bilateral congenital cataracts using RDK stimuli, and found that subjects with unilateral deprivation amblyopia had elevated motion coherence thresholds for both eyes compared with controls; these findings are in agreement with Simmers et al.
27 Moreover, they also found that subjects with bilateral congenital cataracts exhibited more elevated motion coherence thresholds than those with unilateral congenital cataracts. These deficits imply an extra-striate cortex deficit of global motion processing in the dorsal pathway (middle temporal and medial superior temporal areas) in amblyopia.
26,28 In addition, the authors also found that individuals with bilateral developmental cataracts that occurred later in life showed normal motion coherence thresholds.
26 This suggests that clear visual input during the early critical period of visual development is essential for the development of global motion processing mechanisms. As most of the patients with bilateral/unilateral congenital cataract in Ellemberg et al.
26 showed either manifest or latent nystagmus, the authors discussed that the deficits in global motion perception are likely not attributed to nystagmus. They demonstrated that, for patients with bilateral congenital cataracts, the deficits in two patients who did not experience nystagmus (latent nystagmus but did not patch either eye) were as great as six patients with manifest nystagmus; for patients with unilateral congenital cataracts, five subjects who did not experience nystagmus (neither manifest nor latent nystagmus) performed no better than eight subjects with either manifest nystagmus or latent nystagmus while the good eye was patched. However, the authors did not examine the nystagmus of their participants with an eye tracker. It would be beneficial to further clarify the nystagmus types of the subjects with congenital cataract. An avenue for future research would be to assess the motion coherence thresholds in subjects with congenital cataracts with and without INS.
In this context, it is possible that the involuntary eye oscillations appearing from birth may directly affect the brain regions that are responsive to global motion, and that these brain regions fail to develop (or poorly develop) normal response properties to moving stimuli. MT is known to be the main brain area responsible for global motion.
35 Its removal or impairment results in impaired motion perception. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Schmitz et al.
36 found that both MT and the superior colliculi brain regions in patients with INS and albinism remained active although there was no motion stimulation presented and no oscillopsia was reported by the subjects. The authors suggested that it was probably due to the continuous retinal image movement caused by INS in albino subjects.
In addition, a recent study by Yonehara et al.
37 reported reduced sensitivity for motion in the horizontal direction in mice with idiopathic INS and FRMD7 mutations due to the loss of horizontal direction-selective responses in retinal ganglion cells. Although the visual systems of mice are very different to those of humans, the finding of the study raise the possibility that reduced coherent motion detection sensitivity in adults with INS may be result from hard-wired changes in the early visual system.
Overall, it appears that a developmental deficit in INS can affect global motion processing mechanisms located in the brain region MT resulting in impaired coherent motion detection. Hence, it can be proposed that a combination of physical retinal motion imposed by INS and developmental deficits from early childhood due to INS could account for the elevated motion coherence thresholds observed in the present study.