Katarina Stingl and Isabelle Audo are members of the ERN-EYE (European Reference Network for Rare Eye Diseases). David Birch has support from NIH EY09076.
Funded by Foundation Fighting Blindness.
Disclosure: D.G. Birch, Biogen (C,F), Nacuity (C), ProQR (C,F), Editas (C), AGTC (C,F), Iveric (C), 4D Therapeutics (C,F), DTx Therapeutics (C); L. Samarakoon, None; M. Melia, None; J.L. Duncan, Acucela (F), Allergen/Abbvie (F), Biogen/Nightstarx Therapeutics (F), Neurotech USA (F),Second Sight Medical Products (F), 4D Therapeutics (C), AGTC (C), Astellas (C), DTx Therapeutics (C), Editas (C), Eloxx (C), Eyevensys (C); Gyroscope (C), Horama (C), ProQR Therapeutics (C), Spark Therapeutics (C), SparingVision (C), Vedere Bio (C), Nacuity (C), Partner-Rx Sight (I); A.R. Ayala, None; I. Audo, None; J.K. Cheetham, DTx Pharma (C); T.A. Durham, None; A. Iannaccone, None; M.E. Pennesi, None; K. Stingl, Drs. Pennesi, Birch and Duncan serve on advisory boards for Foundation Fighting Blindness, ViGeneron (C), Novartis (C), CRA (R), ProQR (C,F)