Purpose :
To evaluate the association of steady-state pattern electroretinogram (PERG) with standard automated perimetry (SAP) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) parameters in glaucoma.
Methods :
This was a cross-sectional evaluation of glaucoma patients and normal controls included in an observational cohort study. Each patient underwent 24-2 SAP, OCT, and PERG testing with the Diopsys NOVA PERG contrast sensitivity protocol (ConSen protocol) within 7 days. The following PERG parameters were analyzed: MagnitudeD, corresponding to the amplitude of the average signal, and MagD/Mag Ratio, the consistency of the response. For both parameters, lower values indicate an increased likelihood of visual dysfunction. The parameters were tested at high (Hc) and low contrast (Lc). Tests with excessive artifacts or low signal quality were excluded. Linear mixed models nested at the patient and eye levels were used to evaluate the relationship between PERG parameters with SAP MD and RNFL thickness and R2 was used to measure the strength of the relationship.
Results :
The study included 85 visits of 77 eyes of 40 subjects with mean age of 67.5±9.4 years. Eyes had an average SAP MD of -4.97±6.49dB and RNFL thickness of 74.1±18.0μm, with 18% of eyes classified as normal and 82% as glaucoma. The Lc MagnitudeD was 0.014 lower for each 1 MD dB lower (R2 =0.41; P = 0.001) and 0.040 lower for each 10 μm thinner RNFL (R2=0.38; P = 0.011), after adjustment for age and gender. For MagD/Mag ratio, RNFL thickness, but not SAP MD, was significantly associated with MagD/Mag ratio at Lc, with 0.03 lower value for each 10μm thinner RNFL (R2 = 0.39; P = 0.021). Neither RNFL nor SAP MD were significantly associated with PERG Hc parameters in multivariable analyses.
Conclusions :
Low contrast stead-state PERG parameters were significantly associated with structural and functional metrics in glaucoma.
This abstract was presented at the 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2022, and virtually.