Purpose :
Develop and validate a questionnaire that quantitatively determines spectacle independence following bilateral implantation with presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses.
Methods :
The content of the PRSIQ was based on literature reviews as well as clinician and patient input. Draft items were assessed/revised in debriefing interviews for qualitative validation. Two quantitative validation studies were conducted with the initial PRSIQ, and two quantitative validation studies were conducted with the final PRSIQ. Confirmatory factor analyses, including IRT calibration, were performed, as well as reliability estimates and validity analyses of the resulting scores. To estimate effect size, Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs) were used to account for repeated measures.
Results :
Over 50 patients provided direct input in the development of the PRSIQ. Qualitative research demonstrated that patients often considered themselves spectacle independent. Yet, when probed, it was determined some actually wore correction for certain activities.
Quantitative assessments conducted across 4 studies (n=3,208) demonstrated evidence of validity. A higher proportion of patients who achieved spectacle independence had 20/20 or better binocular uncorrected intermediate vision and lower magnitude of residual refraction. Those classified as spectacle independent had higher satisfaction with overall uncorrected vision at all distances. GEE models (n=272) demonstrated a consistent large effect size resulting in significantly greater proportion of participants achieving spectacle independence in the treatment vs. control arm. Test-retest reliability was high (>0.84) overall and in the refractory stable population.
Conclusions :
The PRSIQ is a patient-reported measure assessing spectacle independence following cataract surgery. All quantitative analyses conform to predictions and support the use of the PRSIQ as a measure of spectacle independence.
This abstract was presented at the 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2022, and virtually.