Purpose :
To study the effect of micropulse MP laser treatment in patients with diabetic macular oedema DMO over a three months period.
Methods :
it’s a retrospective study of 80 patients with DMO, these patients are outside the treatment criteria for anti-VEGF injections, that’s to say their best corrected visual acuity BCVA is better than 6/12, and/or the central macular thickness CMT is less than 400 micrometre. We measured there BCVA, CMT before and three months after MP laser treatment. We used coloured photographs, fundus autofluorescence FAF, and optical coherent tomography OCT to highlight and marks left on the retina after treatment.
Results :
At three months 43 of the patients improved their BCVA, 25 worsened. CMT showed improvement in 43 of the patients and worsened in 36. Retreatment was not done on any of them using the 3 months. No one of the patients had any laser scars or marks detected on biomicroscopy, FAF or OCT scans.
Conclusions :
MP laser treatment is an effective, affordable way of treating patients with DMO not meeting the treatment criteria of anti-VEGF injections.
This abstract was presented at the 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2022, and virtually.