Purpose :
To evaluate choroidal blood vessels in retinal degenerative diseases using a novel biomarker calculated from a three-dimensional (3D) model of the choroid.
Methods :
The subjects were crystallin retinopathy (CR) 6 eyes of 4 patients, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) 23 eyes of 13 patients. Controls were healthy eyes with no age difference 51 cases 51 eyes. Swept Source optical interference tomography A 3D model was created from the (OCT) image (6 x 6 mm) based on the previous report. The foveal choroid thickness (CT) was measured with an OCT tomographic image. From the 3D model, choroidal blood vessel volume (CVV), blood vessel surface area/volume ratio (S / V) as an index of the size of blood vessel structure, blood vessel diameter index (blood vessel diameter index) and blood vessel length per unit volume (blood vessel length index) ) was calculated.
Results :
The average value of CT (µm), CVV (mm 3 ), S / V (mm-1 ), vessel diameter index (mm), vessel length index (mm-1) is 117, 0.42, 124, 0.031, 62 for CR, 164, 0.68, 94, 0.042, 53 for RP, and 255, 1.27, 86, 0.042, 49 for control. In CR and RP, CT, CVV, and blood vessel diameter index were smaller and S / V was larger than in the control (all P <0.05). The vessel length index was large in CR (P = 0.043) and was not different from the control in RP (P = 0.162).
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Conclusions :
Both CR and RP have smaller CT and CVV than healthy eyes. From the decrease in the blood vessel diameter index, it is considered that the decrease in the blood vessel diameter has an effect on both diseases. CR has a high vessel length index, and the choroidal parenchyma may be more severely impaired. New biomarkers using 3D models can evaluate choroidal vascular morphology. <div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 104px; top: 124.188px;"><div class="gtx-trans-icon"> </div></div>
This abstract was presented at the 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2022, and virtually.