Purpose :
To explore whether the COVID-19 lockdown increased the incidence of myopia among age-school children.
Methods :
Retrospective study recruiting children aged 5 – 12. Selection: random. Inclusion criteria: healthy children presenting for an eye exam since 2016. Exclusion criteria: presence of ocular comorbidities other than refractive error, spherical equivalent (SE) less than -4D or greater than +4D, BCVA less than 20/20, blepharoptosis, media opacities, corneal or retinal dystrophies, strabismus, amblyopia, nystagmus, or concurrent therapy with atropine 0.01%. Outcome measure: age measured in months, SE of the right eye (RE) measured in diopters (D) under cycloplegia (cyclopentolate 1%). Statistical analysis: ANOVA, Chi-square, Tukey’s test. Significance: p < .05.
Results :
A total of 803 children. In the years prior to COVID-19, the mean SE ± SD diopters in the RE: 0.54 ± 1.49 D in 2016 (n = 160), 0.43 ± 1.84 D in 2017 (n = 145), 0.34 ± 1.41 D in 2018 (n = 152), 0.35 ± 1.75 D in 2019 (n = 166) (ANOVA, p = .659) (Fig. 1). In 2021 (n = 180), the mean SE was -0.08 ± 1.44 D (ANOVA, p = .005). Using the Tukey’s test, the mean SE of 2021 changed by -0.619 D 95% CI [-1.091, -0.147] and -0.501 D 95% CI [-0.986, -0.016] as compared to the SE of 2016 and 2017, respectively (Fig. 2). Mean age was comparable in all groups (ANOVA, p = .307). The decrease of the mean SE of the 2021 group corresponds to an increase in the percentage of myopes (≤-0.5D) and a decrease in the percentage of hyperopes (≥ 2D). Myopes represent the 24.10% of children aged 60 – 96 months, and 63.86% of children aged 97 – 144 months. Hyperopes represent 9.64% of children aged 60 – 96 months, and 6.02% of children aged 97 – 144 months. This represents a statistically-significant increase in the number of myopes (Chi-square, p = .016) and decrease in the number of hyperopes (Chi-square, p = .001), as compared to the previous years (2016-2019).
Conclusions :
This retrospective study shows a statistically-significant decrease in the mean SE in children aged 5-12 in the year following the COVID-19 lockdown (2021). The percentage of myopes has increased significantly, while the percentage of hyperopes has decreased. Children aged 8 - 12 years showed the greatest refractive change. The lifestyle changes imposed by the lockdown were likely responsible for the increased prevalence of myopia observed in 2021.
This abstract was presented at the 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2022, and virtually.