Purpose :
The aim of this study is Evaluation role of umbilical cord patch transplantation for corneal perforations and descemetoceles by assessment of healing of corneal perforation and increased corneal thickness in case with descemetoceles by using slit lamp bio microscopy and anterior segment optical coherence tomography.
Methods :
After topical anesthesia for cases with corneal thinning patients and general anesthesia in corneal perforation cases. the base and surrounding of the ulcers were cleaned of necrotic tissue. The Umbilical cord patching with epithelium side facing up was trimmed to fit the shape and depth of the ulcer, and interrupted sutures were placed to anchor the UCP to the cornea. A large piece of the amniotic membrane with epithelium side up was applied over the entire cornea. Finally, bandage contact lens was applied. All patients were followed up daily throughout the first week, weekly for 1 month, then monthly for the first 6 months.
Results :
There were 20 eyes with Corneal perforation or thinning. The diameter of corneal thinning ulcers of 3.5±2. 5mm.The anterior chamber in all 20 eyes formed at first postoperative day with improvement of preoperative photophobia foreign body sensation. The corneal thickness was increased in cases with corneal thinning from mean 86.00 ± 24μm to 194± 25μm postoperatively. Healing of corneal defect of cases with corneal perforation at average of 4 weeks. Best Correction Visual acuity in cases with thinning improvement from (-1.82 ± 3.455) by Log MAR to (-0.66 ± 1.942). While, cases with perforation there was an improvement from (-0.53 ± 0.548) to (0.79 ± 0.677)
Conclusions :
The current study demonstrated the promising effects of combining UCP with amniotic membrane transplantation is a promising alternative for corneal insult, providing satisfactory reconstruction. Because of its stem cell therapy plus easy availability and efficacy .
This abstract was presented at the 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Denver, CO, May 1-4, 2022, and virtually.