Erratum in: “Multiple Invagination Patterns and Synaptic Efficacy in Primate and Mouse Rod Synaptic Terminals” by Yoshihiko Tsukamoto and Naoko Omi (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022;63(8):11),
In the original Figure 5B, (3) above 1B-2H-2T and (6) above 2B-2H-2T were mistakenly exchanged. (6) should appear above 1B-2H-2T and (3) above 2B-2H-2T. This has been corrected in Figure 5B in the article online. Numerical descriptions based on this initial data have been also corrected in several other places. Although this error does not have any significant effect on the main content of this article, this correction may promote the strict quantitative consideration of the detailed relationship. Figure 7 has also been corrected, to revise the lettering in several places (such as 2D being changed to 2B).
In the second sentence of the Results section in the Abstract, “2% of those dendrites did in the mouse” has been changed to “3% of those dentrites did in the mouse.”
In the last sentence of the third paragraph of the “Comparison of Branching Patterns Between Mouse and Macaque” section in the Results section, 3% (6/173) has been changed to 2% (3/173).
In the fifth paragraph of that same section, “Almost all (98%) of 173 mouse spherules” has been changed to “Almost all (97%) of 173 mouse spherules,” and “The remaining (2%)” has been changed to “The remaining (3%).”
In the second paragraph of the “Comparison of Synaptic Configurations Between Mouse and Macaque” section in the Results section, 2% (3/173) has been changed to 3% (6/173).
In the eighth sentence of the second paragraph of the Discussion section, “The internal bifurcation occurred 19-fold more frequently” has been changed to “The internal bifurcation occurred 10-fold more frequently.”
In the 11th sentence of the same paragraph, “These events were twofold more frequent” has been changed to “These events were threefold more frequent.”
In the Figure 7 legend, “On average, both nB and nT values” has been reformatted to “On average, both nB and nT values.”
In the Table, the heading “Macaque/Mouse” has been removed from the first column, and in the row “Rod BC invaginating dendrites,” the values in the Mouse column have been changed from 1.98 ± 0.13 (173) to 1.97 ± 0.18 (173).