In the current cohort, 23 probands (16 males and 7 females) carried biallelic disease-causing
WFS1 variants, which were confirmed by cosegregation analyses
(Table 2). The patients’ mean age at last examination was 17.2±10.6 (range 6–43) years. As the patients were evaluated at an ophthalmic research institution, OA was observed in all the patients, followed by DM in 21 patients (91.3%), D in nine patients (39.1%), UD in nine patients (39.1%), and DI in five patients (21.7%). The mean or median onset ages for each clinical feature are summarized in
Table 3. The four clinical manifestations of DIDMOAD occurred in the following order, from first to last: DM, D, OA, and DI. The mean onset age for DM, OA, and D was younger than 15 years. Only two patients (A1972 and A3790) had developed all four components at their last examination. Three patients (A600, A2018, and A3989) experienced four clinical features (OA, DM, UD, and either D or DI) and 11 probands suffered with three clinical signs (OA, DM, and either D, DI, or UD), whereas the remaining seven patients presented only OA with DM (six patients) or UD (one patient). The main clinical characteristics of each patient are summarized in
Table 2. Some patients also experienced olfactory decline, balance impairment, memory deterioration, and tetralogy of Fallot (
Table 3). One patient (A3537) died at age 13 years, according to our telephone survey.