The pattern of spontaneous diameter oscillations observed in larger retinal vessels from normal persons in the present study support previous data obtained both in the retinal vascular system
5 and outside the eye.
18 In studies using the Dynamic Vessel Analyzer, 17 persons are needed to obtain a statistical power for the measurement of intervention effects on the diameter of retinal vessels.
19 Although the number of observations included in the present study was much higher, it cannot be excluded that some of the negative results of the frequency analyses may have been due to underpowering because the preconditions for a power analysis of oscillations of vessel diameters are different in the frequency than in the time domain. Another potential source of bias is that the diameter recordings were abrupted during blinking and fixation losses. This resulted in missing values that were replaced by the average of all non-missing values in the recording. This would reduce the amplitudes of diameter oscillations with increasing effect on higher frequencies and therefore cannot explain the observations where effects were also observed on the amplitudes of the lower frequencies.
The observed patterns of diameter variation over time were unique for each vessel, which may be due to influences from more central parts of the cardiovascular system.
20–22 These patterns showed no significant changes along the studied vascular segments, but it cannot be excluded that the pattern may have changed at either a slower or a faster rate than what could be detected within the duration and the capture rate of the recordings obtained in the present study. The vascular resistance is determined by the diameter at the positions where constriction is most pronounced with the consequent stress on the vascular smooth muscle cells in these areas. The lack of observable short-term propagation of diameter oscillations along the larger vessels argues against a role of vasomotion for mass transport in these vessels and implies that diameter changes at one location are not counteracted by opposite diameter changes at other locations. This highlights the importance of temporal changes in vessel diameters for the regulation of retinal blood flow. The vasomotor activity can be considered important for oxygenation, fluid homeostasis, and flow regulation in the retinal vascular system.
7,8 However, the alternating constriction and dilation of the vessels also has the consequence that periods of activity in the vascular smooth muscle cells interchange with periods of rest, which may prevent fatigue and maintain contractility of the vessels over time. Additionally, vasomotion has derived effects on the hydraulic conductance of the vessels. Changes in vessel diameter translate to changes to the power of four in blood flow. This implies that an increase in diameter above the average in an oscillating vessel induces a higher increase in flow than the decrease in flow induced by the corresponding reduction in diameter below average. This effect on the hydraulic conductance increases with the amplitude of the diameter oscillations. Therefore, for a given hydraulic resistance, oscillations in diameter can reduce the overall workload of the vascular smooth muscle cells. This effect may contribute to a modification of other regulatory mechanisms as found in the present study where the reduced vasomotion amplitude during flicker stimulation tended to reduce the effects of metabolic autoregulation on blood flow in larger and macular arterioles. This feature may help understanding how retinal blood flow is regulated under normal conditions where a coupling to metabolism induced by neuronal activity can be expected to be critical.
18 The findings may also act as a basis for understanding pathological responses in the retinal vasculature. The observed effects of vasomotion on hydraulic conductance are likely too small to play a role for flow regulation but might be of importance in physiological or pathophysiological conditions where the amplitude of diameter oscillations are potentially increased. Future studies should aim at characterizing the role of spontaneous diameter changes for the development of retinal vascular disease and how these changes are affected by treatment interventions.
19 The finding that wavelet analyses of the diameter oscillations resulted in similar conclusions as Fourier analysis argues against the existence of hidden patterns of transient diameter changes in the two-minute recordings used for the frequency analyses.
The results of previous studies suggest that relative changes in the diameter of retinal arterioles are similar at different branching levels,
23 and that absolute diameter changes therefore decrease with increasing branching level. This may explain the larger powers of oscillations in the LF and the HF bands in the larger arterioles than in the macular and peripheral arteriolar branches and confirm that these frequencies of diameter changes between 1.4 to 4.2 cycles/minute (period lengths of 14–42 seconds) are physiologically important for flow control.
18 The increase in the arterial blood pressure induced by isometric exercise broadened the frequencies where the power of diameter oscillations was increased to include the VLF band. This may be a response to the increased tension in cells in the vascular wall secondary to the increased intravascular pressure.
24 Conversely, the power of all frequency bands at all three arterial vessel types were reduced during flicker stimulation, where the lack of significance of the responses in the VLF band in peripapillary and macular arterioles may be the result of higher variability of the measurements. A previous study found a lack of effect of isometric exercise on diameter oscillations of retinal arterioles in diabetic patients.
5 This may be related to loss of autoregulation and underlines the significance of describing this phenomenon under normal conditions.
The fact that peripheral arterioles showed less dilation to flicker stimulation, more reduction in Fourier power, and less reduction in hydraulic resistance than the macular arterioles confirm previous studies of differences in autoregulation,
25 oxygen saturation,
26 and ischemic conditioning
12 among macular and peripheral arterioles in normal persons. This argues that vasomotion may contribute to the differences in response potential of retinal vascular disease in the macular area and the retinal periphery.
5,27 However, it remains to be investigated whether vasomotion and the derived effects on the retinal microcirculation are affected differently in the macular area and the retinal periphery in retinal vascular disease.
Altogether, the study has shown a lack of short-term propagation of diameter changes along peripapillar retinal arterioles. Furthermore, the amplitudes of arteriolar vasomotion were found to increase when the vessels contracted secondary to isometric exercise and to decrease when the vessels dilated secondary to flicker stimulation, which also reduced the hydraulic conductance in larger and macular arterioles. The results confirm the complexity of the regulation of retinal blood flow and can be used as a basis for studying pathological vasomotion in retinal vascular disease.