Type I IFNs are cytokines that bind to a heterodimeric receptor to activate critical antiviral mediators and pathways.
1 We and others have shown that loss of IFN signals is critical in both directly and indirectly inhibiting viral spread, driving critical chemokine production, and priming adaptive immunity.
15,20 To evaluate whether the loss of IFN signaling would result in comprised local viral containment within the retina as seen in other tissues,
15–17,20 mice lacking the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR
−/−) abolishing all downstream signaling were infected with 1000 PFUs of HSV-1 and compared to WT controls. IFNAR
−/− mice had higher viral titers by day 2 pi and had significantly higher viral titers than WT controls five days pi (
Fig. 4). To assess whether increasing viral titers resulted in local tissue changes, retinal histopathology was compared between IFNAR
−/− mice and WT controls. An increase in virus was associated with significantly worsening of retinal pathology with gross disorganization of the retina, diffuse intraretinal hemorrhages (
Fig. 5g, yellow asterisk), and loss of the underlying retinal pigment epithelium in IFNAR
−/− mice not seen in WT or PBS controls (
Figs. 5a–h). Histopathological scoring confirmed significantly worse retinal changes in IFNAR
−/− mice than WT and controls 5 days pi (
Fig. 5i). Cell death, more specifically, necrosis, is a hallmark feature of ARN.
21 To assess whether cell death through apoptosis or necrosis was occurring in our model, protein concentrations of known cell death pathways were evaluated including Caspase-3, Caspase-8, receptor-interacting protein (RIP), and receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIP3).
22 Caspase-8 and RIP3 protein concentrations increased from day 2 to day 5 pi in WT mice and were higher than PBS controls at the same time points (
Fig. 5j). RIP levels remained relatively constant over time in WT mice subretinally-injected with PBS or HSV-1 but elevated compared to uninjected mice (
Fig. 5j). This was in contrast to IFNAR
−/− mice in which Caspase-3 and Caspase-8 were upregulated within 2 days of injection, whether that be with PBS or HSV-1 (
Fig. 5j). At day 5 pi. Caspase-3 concentrations were higher in IFNAR
−/− infected mice than PBS controls (
Fig. 5j). RIP could not be detected in IFNAR
−/− mice, and RIP3 was higher two days pi than controls (
Fig. 5j).