Erratum in: “Decreased Levels of Erythrocyte Membrane Arachidonic and Docosahexaenoic Acids Are Associated With Retinopathy of Prematurity” by Tessa C. Gillespie, Esther S. Kim, Tristan Grogan, Irena Tsui, Alison Chu, and Kara L. Calkins (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022;63(12):23),
When the article was first published, it was incorrectly stated that a multicomponent intralipid emulsion (SMOF) was available at the authors’ institution in 2015 when in fact it was available to infants in the study starting in 2017. In the “Standard Nutritional Practices” section of the Methods, in the sentence beginning “In September 2015, a multicomponent ILE with 15% fish oil was available at our institution,” the year 2015 has been changed to 2017 in the article online.