In this study, we developed a method for assigning 3D, volumetric arteriovenous connectivity of the macular capillary plexuses on OCTA. This method achieved excellent accuracy in identifying DCP venous vortices and showed good intergrader reliability, supporting its utility. We showed that, in healthy eyes, the MCP is characterized by higher proportion of arteriolar connectivity but relatively slower flow in arteriolar-connected vessels. We also demonstrated that, in eyes with retinal vascular pathology, our findings were consistent with histopathologic studies.
Previous studies of retinal vascular connectivity have relied on tracing individual capillary paths from arteriole to venule to establish connections between the different retinal plexuses.
11,12,31,32 However, this approach has typically been confined to limited areas on histologic preparations, requires significant manual input, and does not capture the bulk contribution of these connections to the overall arteriolar and venular supply and drainage of each plexus. Furthermore, these postmortem histopathologic techniques are subject to tissue artifacts and are not suitable for estimating blood flow. Other studies have attempted to define arteriolar and venular capillaries based on radial distance from SCP arterioles and venules.
18,19 This method also has several limitations. It does not accurately classify capillaries when large vessels cross and is unreliable in the deeper layers, where diving large vessel branches may result in a different distribution of arteriolar and venular capillaries that does not mirror the overlying SCP. Strengths of our current method include the watershed algorithm, which in effect “traces” multiple paths at once and is based on direct connectivity rather than general proximity of capillaries to arterioles or venules, allowing analysis of the deeper capillary layers, and the iterative approach to prioritize connections of higher certainty. The use of OCTA imaging provides in vivo visualization of vascular flow rather than structure, which makes it more applicable to clinical settings.
Our finding of higher arteriolar connection relative to venous in the MCP of healthy eyes is consistent with recent data from human histologic studies,
11,31 suggesting that our method provides a non-invasive alternative for accurately characterizing and quantifying arteriovenous connectivity in living eyes. In donor eyes, An et al.
11 showed that the MCP capillaries are supplied from MCP-direct arteriolar branches as well as from indirect arteriolar branches from the SCP, whereas the DCP only receives arteriolar supply indirectly via the MCP. Notably, Cabral et al.,
32 in an OCTA-based study, also suggested that the shortest path for most capillary connections between arterioles and venules passed through the MCP, with few to no direct SCP-to-SCP connections. The dual supply of the MCP from the SCP and MCP arteriolar branches, as well as the routing of arteriolar shortest paths through this layer, could contribute to the predominance of arteriolar-connected capillaries relative to venous that we observed in the MCP.
The existence of venous vortices in the DCP has been well documented in a variety of histologic
11,33 and OCTA studies.
26,32,34 However, their exact connectivity to large superficial venules and significance in the macular circulation are still debated. Some investigators have suggested that the DCP serves as a primarily venous drainage route from the SCP and MCP,
8,34 whereas others suggest that the DCP receives an independent arteriolar supply and venous drainage.
12 Although our current study, as a bulk analysis of arteriovenous connectivity, was not designed to visualize individual capillary paths through each layer, we did show an apparent predominance of venular-connected capillaries in the DCP relative to the MCP. All three capillary layers are thought to drain directly into the large SCP venules.
11 However, connections from the SCP and MCP are primarily comprised of two capillaries merging into a venule. Venous vortices composed of multiple converging capillaries are only seen in the DCP, which may explain the greater proportion of venular-connected capillaries we observed in that layer.
11 A lack of direct arteriolar channels from the SCP to the DCP could also contribute to the relatively lower proportion of arteriolar-connected vessels in the DCP.
11,31 A final consideration includes the contribution of image artifacts to capillary density measurements, as the physiologic capillary-free zone surrounding arterioles in the SCP may be artificially propagated into the MCP and DCP on certain OCTA systems.
35 However, this phenomenon would be expected to decrease relative arteriolar connectivity and thus A/V ratio in all layers, not just the DCP, and is unlikely to have substantially affected our overall conclusions.
We found that arteriolar-side flow velocities exceeded venular-side flow velocities in the SCP, consistent with the smaller diameter of arterioles compared to venules.
36 However, this pattern unexpectedly shifted in the MCP and DCP, where venular-side flow velocities exceeded arteriolar. Although we do not have a definitive explanation for these findings, we can consider several possibilities. Conservation of mass would require that the volumetric rates of blood flow entering and exiting each capillary bed are equal. The AFI indirectly measures fluid velocity,
37 which depends on the total cross-sectional area of vessels. Division of arteriolar flow among more capillaries, as indicated by the higher A/V ratio in the MCP, would thus be expected to increase total cross-sectional area and decrease arteriolar-side flow velocity relative to the venular side.
However, arteriolar-side AFI remained lower than venular in the DCP, which conversely had more venular-connected vessels than the MCP, suggesting the relationship of AFI with A/V ratio may be more complex than a simple inverse correlation. For example, flow velocities in each capillary bed could also be influenced by presence of anastomotic vessels between layers,
11,31 which are vertically oriented and therefore could not be visualized on OCTA imaging. The MCP and DCP in particular have been shown in rodent studies to be highly interconnected by such anastomoses.
38 We acknowledge that our interpretation of these AFI findings is speculative, as AFI does not directly measure blood flow and correlates to flow velocity only within a limited range.
37 Directly comparing AFIs among layers was also not possible in this study because of the non-uniform percentage of unassigned vessels in each layer; more unassigned vessels in the deeper layers elevated the mean AFIs in those layers. AFI is also dependent on imaging depth, which further precludes comparisons among layers.
37 Interpretation of these results is also limited by the overall low interscan repeatability of AFI measurements in the DCP, and further studies comparing arteriovenous OCTA flow findings to tools that directly measure flow such as Doppler or adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy imaging are needed.
These differences in arteriovenous predominance and flow among the three layers have interesting potential implications for our understanding of retinal vascular function and disease. Notably, the deep retinal layers are thought to be more vulnerable to damage in certain retinal diseases. For example, hemorrhages and microaneurysms in DR develop earlier in the deep capillaries,
39,40 and longitudinal studies have shown that deep capillary nonperfusion predicts a variety of DR complications.
41–43 Paracentral acute middle maculopathy and acute macular neuroretinopathy, which result in visual scotomas and are characterized by outer retinal lesions on OCT imaging, are thought to be associated with vascular compromise at the MCP and DCP.
44–46 It is possible that the MCP may represent a transition zone where more arteriolar capillary branches results in relative slowing of arteriolar-side flow velocity into the MCP and secondarily the DCP. These hemodynamic characteristics of the MCP and DCP may contribute to their apparent vulnerability to ischemia.
Vascular abnormalities including IRMAs and neovascularization are key features of DR. In PDR, histologic studies have suggested that preretinal neovascularization originates from venules.
14,47 However, IRMAs may appear as dilated capillary segments or abnormal vessels arising from arterioles or venules.
48,49 Although the presence of IRMAs is associated with subsequent development of neovascularization,
50 whether all types of IRMAs can progress to neovascularization and whether neovascularization must proceed through precursor IRMA lesions are still debated.
51,52 In the current study, we identified arteriovenous origins of IRMAs consistent with histologic studies. Our PDR eyes showed multiple IRMAs that varied in arteriovenous assignment, with some venular-side IRMAs and others appearing as dilated capillary loops (
Fig. 8). Additional investigation into the longitudinal progression of IRMAs that differ in arteriovenous origin may provide further insight toward predicting which IRMAs develop into neovascularization.
MacTel is a putatively neurodegenerative retinal condition characterized by a constellation of vascular findings including right-angle venules, telangiectatic deep capillaries, and abnormalities of the outer retinal vasculature, which may progress to active neovascularization in some eyes.
53,54 The exact identity of MacTel outer retinal vascular abnormalities, which occupy the normally avascular outer retina, is debated. Some groups consider these lesions to be neovascularization,
55 whereas others suggest that they are a continuation of the DCP.
56 In the MacTel eye, we visualized two areas where diving superficial venules converged onto an outer retinal vascular abnormality. The arteriovenous distribution of the outer retinal vascular abnormality resembled that of the DCP, suggesting that these networks are significantly interconnected. Our group has previously shown an intricate and complex relationship between outer retinal telangiectasias and photoreceptor loss with progression of MacTel.
57,58 As MacTel progresses, the photoreceptors degenerate, with retinal thinning in those areas.
56,59 DCP telangiectasias and subsequent retinal deformation in areas of local photoreceptor loss and outer retinal degeneration may contribute to the appearance of outer retinal vascular abnormalities in MacTel. We cannot definitively rule out angiogenic transformation as a contributing factor in the development of these lesions, which deserves further study in longitudinal datasets.
Several limitations of our study must be considered, including the small sample size, which was largely dictated by the strict image quality requirement and narrow age criteria for the healthy controls. Although we used MaxEntropy thresholding, which has been used in prior OCTA studies to standardize identification of SCP large vessels,
60,61 the limited field of view of OCTA prevented us from categorizing large SCP vessels by branching order, which would have allowed for more objective classification of arterioles and venules. The tendency of OCTA to overestimate vessel diameter due to its limited lateral resolution (less than the width of a capillary
62) precluded the application of diameter-based criteria for distinguishing capillaries from larger vessels.
63,64 Although OCTA is capable of detecting flow signal in vessels of a diameter below the optical resolution limit of the device, thus enabling visualization of capillaries, in theory it would not be possible to resolve flow signal from very closely spaced vessels, another limitation of this study. Although our algorithm achieved >90% accuracy in identifying DCP vortices, errors in capillary assignment were still present in images with large projection or motion artifacts. Furthermore, the accuracy of vortex identification does not directly reflect the accuracy of identifying arteriolar connections. The potential influence of projection artifacts must also be considered, as decorrelation tails underneath large vessels may lead to overestimating MCP or DCP vessel density in those regions. To mitigate this consideration, we used projection-removed images for analysis. We would also like to point out that projection artifacts would be expected to disproportionately overestimate the contribution of the larger diameter venular-connected vessels rather than arteriolar. Therefore, we believe it is unlikely that our results are driven by projection artifacts. Another theoretical limitation of the watershed tool would be the high rate of failure of capillary assignment in eyes with low signal or diffuse capillary loss, which would have to be further tested in the future. Incorporation of OCT structural data, high-resolution scanning protocols,
65 or image quality improvement through multiple image registration and averaging
66 could potentially improve the performance of this tool, especially in pathologic eyes with non-perfused capillaries and increase overall reliability of DCP measurements.
In conclusion, we have presented a method for characterizing and quantifying volumetric arteriovenous relationships in the retinal vasculature. We have demonstrated that the healthy macular capillary plexuses are characterized by arteriolar predominance in the MCP and relative slowing of arteriolar compared to venular flow in the deeper vascular layers. We have also shown that this algorithm effectively identifies connectivity to retinal vascular pathology in diseased eyes, which deserves further study.