The average age in the longitudinal cohort was 72.6 years (range, 50–90). Among the 118 “glaucoma suspect” eyes, the average age was 72.8 years, and the average MD was −0.45 dB, with an average rate of change of −0.445 dB/y. By definition, all of these eyes were “within normal limits” by the GHT at baseline (i.e., on the first of the six visits). Of those eyes, 41 remained “within normal limits” by the GHT throughout their six visits, 36 had at least one subsequent “borderline” visual field, and 41 had at least one subsequent “outside normal limits” visual field. Among the 113 “glaucoma” eyes, the average age was 72.5 years, and the average MD was −4.3 dB, with an average rate of change of −0.528 dB/y. The healthy control eyes had average age of 58.9 years (range, 23–86).
Figure 2 shows MD
Lin averaged across the six fields in the series (top) and its rate of change over those six fields (bottom), plotted against MBR
Ave averaged across the same six test dates within ONH tissue (left) and ONH major vessels (right). Consistent with previous literature,
23,57 in “glaucoma” eyes reduced function was associated with reduced MBR in both tissue (
P < 0.0001, GEE linear regression) and vessels (
P = 0.0001). Similarly, in “glaucoma suspect” eyes, reduced function was again associated with reduced MBR in both tissue (
P = 0.0031) and vessels (
P = 0.0052). The relation was significantly shallower for “glaucoma suspect” eyes than for “glaucoma” eyes in tissue (
P = 0.028) but not in vessels (
P = 0.403). Although lower MBR appears to be unrelated to more rapid functional loss in the “glaucoma” eyes in
Figure 2, after adjustment for the current level of loss (average MD
Lin over the six visits) more rapid functional loss was associated with reduced MBR
Ave in ONH vessels, for both “glaucoma” eyes (
P = 0.0393) and “glaucoma suspect” eyes (
P = 0.0012), but associations with MBR
Ave in ONH tissue were weaker (
P = 0.0898 and
P = 0.0272, respectively).
Table 1 shows the statistical significance for whether the different LSFG parameters described in the Methods section are related to the severity of functional loss in “glaucoma suspect” and/or “glaucoma” eyes, using the mean value over the six visits for each to reduce variability.
Figure 3 shows plots of the severity of functional loss against four LSFG parameters that are believed to reflect vascular resistance. Among the “glaucoma suspect” eyes, the only parameters correlated with severity of functional loss were MBR
Ave, as discussed above, and beat strength within the ONH tissue which is itself correlated with MBR
Ave (correlation 0.798). Among the “glaucoma” eyes, the severity of loss was also correlated with some of the parameters believed to be related to vascular resistance, including BOM, BOS, and RI in both tissue and vessels, although it should be noted that these relations were partly driven by two outlier points seen in
Figure 3, representing the two eyes of a single subject.
Table 2 shows the statistical significance for whether the different LSFG parameters described in the Methods section are related to the rate of functional loss in “glaucoma suspect” and/or “glaucoma” eyes over the same six visits, after adjusting for the severity of functional loss.
Figure 4 shows plots of these relations for the same four LSFG parameters as before that are believed to reflect vascular resistance. Among the “glaucoma” eyes, the LSFG parameters that relate to vascular resistance appear to be related to the rate of functional progression in
Figure 4, but these relations were not significant after adjusting for the severity of loss. However among the “glaucoma suspect” eyes, more rapid functional loss was correlated with each of the different parameterizations that relate to higher vascular resistance within the vessels, even after adjusting for severity—namely, higher BOM, higher TCR, higher RR, lower BOS, and higher RI. Similar relations were found for vascular resistance within the ONH tissue (i.e., in the capillaries), but these were weaker and not always statistically significant. This is consistent with the finding that TCR was higher in eyes that progressed more rapidly, as this parameter reflects resistance occurring in the vessels after subtracting resistance in ONH tissue.
IOP can affect some LSFG measurements.
58 In multivariable models, higher average IOP significantly modulated predictions of the rate of functional change based on MBR
Ave in both tissue and vessels in the “glaucoma suspect” eyes but not in the “glaucoma” eyes (likely because IOP was being managed clinically). However, adjusting for IOP did not significantly alter the relations between the rate of functional change and any of the LSFG parameters related to vascular resistance.
The results above use the average of the six LSFG measurements as the predictor. In secondary analyses using just the first LSFG measurement in the series, variability and hence P values increase. However, the rate of functional loss in the “glaucoma suspect” eyes was still significantly related (after adjusting for mean severity of loss as before) to MBRAve in both ONH tissue (P = 0.045) and vessels (P = 0.041); to BOM in tissue and vessels (P = 0.011 and P < 0.001, respectively); to TCR (P < 0.001); to RR in vessels (P = 0.010); and to RI in vessels (P = 0.009).