Purpose :
Insurance coverage for early refills of medicated eyedrops varies based on differing state law. This could affect glaucoma patients’ medication adherence and glaucomatous outcomes. This study sought to survey patients living in Illinois (where state law supports coverage of early eyedrop refills) and patients living in Iowa (where there is no such state law) as to their experiences with obtaining early eyedrop refills. We hypothesized that patients residing in Iowa are more likely to have medication adherence difficulties and are asked to pay significantly more when compared to patients residing in Illinois.
Methods :
A survey was used to analyze patients’ difficulties with obtaining their eyedrops and the effects this had on their glaucoma and financial situation. Inclusion required diagnosis of glaucoma, treatment with drops, and residence in Iowa or Illinois. 13 patients from the UIHC glaucoma clinic were surveyed and responses were analyzed.
Results :
Of the 13 patients surveyed to date, 2 lived in Illinois and 11 in Iowa. Of the 11 Iowa patients, 9 reported prior instances of running out of their eyedrops early. 2 Illinois patients reported running out early. 6 Iowa patients who reported difficulty obtaining their drops named cost and insurance coverage as a major reason. The Illinois patients reported pharmacy issues but no difficulties with cost or insurance. 6 Iowa patients reported early refills were more expensive, 1 reported it was the same cost, and 2 reported being denied a refill entirely. The Illinois patient that refilled early said it was the same as normal cost, and the other was denied access to a refill. When patients were asked to pay more to get their medications early, 4 (of 6) Iowans reported electing to go without until their next refill date. 2 Iowa patients reported paying more to get their drops early. 4 Iowans and both Illinois patients said cost of drops had a minor financial impact and 4 Iowans said moderate to significant impact.
Conclusions :
Overall, Iowa patients reported more financial burden than Illinois patients. Though both groups reported problems with running out of their eyedrops early, Illinois patients did not report having to pay more for their refills or electing to go without treatment, whereas Iowa patients reported experiencing both. This suggests that state mandated coverage of early eyedrop refills may have a protective effect for medication adherence.
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.