Purpose :
To evaluate endothelial cells migration after Descemet membrane detachment by using AS-OCT and confocal microscopy
Methods :
3 eyes of three patients with Descemet membrane detachment diagnosis were studied by using SA-OCT OptoVue®( RTVue Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography System) to find this Descemet membrane detachment, central corneal confocal microscopy (Confoscan 4, Fortune Technologies, Italy) of the total corneal thickness were done, corneal endothelium was located at the confocal scan images in all cases, cell density and endothelial cells size were analyzed and measured by using the NAVIS software v. 3.5.0 in all cases (NIDEK Multi-Instrument Diagnostic System, Japan).
Results :
AS-OCT showed total Descemet membrane detachment in all cases. Corneal endothelium were found by confocal microscopy in all cases behind the deepest corneal stroma image in all cases. Endothelial cell density was 1513.7 ± 208.6 mm2, Endothelial cells size was 35.3 ± 6.1 µm2.
Conclusions :
Endothelial cells migration may happen after traumatic Descemet membrane fracture and detachment in new born patients after a forceps trauma in labor, endothelium can be found behind the corneal stroma.
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.