Purpose :
To investigate the correlation between the morphology, autofluorescence and sensitivity of photocoagulated lesions in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) with good vision.
Methods :
Patients with PDR (n=17) who visited Osaka University Hospital from April 2019 to October 2022 and underwent panretinal photocoagulation more than one year ago (BCVA≧0.8) were included. Maintenance of the circulation of photocoagulation scars was confirmed by optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography (Angioplex Elite 9000), while autofluorescence of photocoagulated lesions were evaluated using ultra-widefield retinal imaging(Optos: TX-200). The scars were then classified according to levels of autofluorescence—group A for those with no autofluorescence, group B for those with diffuse autofluorescence, group C for those with center white dotted diffuse autofluorescence, Group D for center white dotted without autofluorescence, and Group E as control. The retinal sensitivities of photocoagulated lesions were evaluated by microperimeter (MP-3). OCT (Spectralis) was used to evaluate the ellipsoid zone (EZ) lines of the photocoagulated lesions.
Results :
The retinal sensitivities of photocoagulated lesions were 3.0±5.2dB, 17.8±4.9dB, 10.0±5.2dB, 3.5±2.5dB and 21.8±2.4dB for groups A (n=32), B (n=27), C (n=7), D (n=4), and E (n=32) respectively, while the percentages of remaining EZ lines were 7.1%, 81.0% , 57.1%, 0%and 100%, respectively. There are significant statistical differences (P <0.05) in both the retinal sensitivities of photocoagulated lesions and the percentages of remaining EZ lines.
Conclusions :
The photoreceptors in photocoagulated lesions with diffuse autofluorescence retain morphology and some function.
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.