Purpose :
A recently developed UV light-filtering material for intraocular lenses has been shown to improve 10% UV cutoff for a 20.0D enVista IOL from 364nm to 389 nm. This laboratory study compares contrast acuity, color vision, color images between the original enVista (MX60E), the new enVista UV+ (EE), Acrysof IQ (SN60WF), and Clareon Vivity (DFT015)
Methods :
A model eye with capability to introduce IOLs with different wavelength cutoffs was developed to record real world images. Images of objects with different color spectrum were captured and analyzed using different blue light-filtering IOLs such as SN60WF, DFT015 (Alcon Inc.) and UV light-filtering IOLs such as MX60E, EE (Bausch & Lomb, Inc)
Results :
Color imaging results showed that UV-light filtering IOLs (MX60E, EE) did not impair color perception unlike blue-light filtering IOLs (SN60WF, DFT015). The higher UV cutoff and yellow chromophore of Acrysof IQ (396 nm) and Clareon (403 nm) reduced blue color contrast with poor reproduction of blue shades
Conclusions :
Studies have suggested IOLs with yellow chromophore showed no difference in contrast vision and visual acuity, but impairment of color perception can be significant1. Color imaging results show that the new EE IOL with enhanced UV cutoff of 389 nm were similar to the legacy MX60E lens. The UV improvement did not impair color perception unlike blue-light filtering IOLs with yellow chromophore
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.