Purpose :
To evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro dual OCT fundus camera.
Methods :
The study included eligible participants with normal and glaucomatous eyes. Three 3D OCT-1 Maestro cameras were employed. Study eye and operator/device testing order were randomly assigned to subjects. Scan modes included 3D Wide (12x9mm), 3D Macula (6x6mm), and 3D Disc (6x6mm). At least 3 scans/scan mode/operator/device configurations were performed. The following measurements were assessed: thickness of the full retina in nine regions from the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS), circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (cpRNFL), ganglion cell layer (GCL) with inner plexiform layer (IPL) and RNFL (GCL++), GCL+IPL (GCL+), and measurements of the optic disc such as cup-to-disc (C/D) ratio and rim area. All images were sent to the Topcon Reading Center for evaluation of image acceptability and quality grading. Repeatability and reproducibility limits of each parameter were determined using a two-way random-effect analysis of variance (ANOVA) model for the subject population. The operator/device, eye, and interaction between the operator/device and eye were included as variance components in the ANOVA model. For each scan parameter, the variance components, repeatability and reproducibility limits, and coefficient of variation in percentage (CV%) were produced by subject population.
Results :
The test was performed on 25 normal eyes and 25 eyes with glaucoma. The majority of B-scans were rated as having good or exceptional image quality. Overall, the repeatability limit and reproducibility limit were relatively low (<10 microns for most parameters). The variability between study eyes accounted for most of the variability for all scan parameters. The operator/device variability and interaction between operator/device and eye were very small compared to inter-eye variability. Most of the CV%s were near 1%, while the CV%s of GCL+, and cpRNFL thickness and optic disc measurements were higher, especially for eyes with glaucoma. For optic disc parameters, the standard deviation increased with the mean.
Conclusions :
Repeatability and reproducibility indicated high precision of the Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro measurements typically used in the management of glaucoma, including cpRNFL and GCL, in normal eyes and eyes with glaucoma.
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.