Purpose :
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to outline the process of establishing an ophthalmology clinic at a student-run free clinic and describe the patient demographics and outcomes of a pilot clinic.
Methods :
Methods: In this cross-sectional survey study, patients were recruited from a student run free clinic hosted in a Harrisburg, PA shelter for homeless. 10 student volunteers were recruited to undergo a training session prior to volunteering at the clinic. Ocular history, near vision and distance vision, pupils and confrontation visual fields intraocular pressure and dilation, and undilated and dilated slit-lamp exam results were recorded for each patient. Risk factors, date of last eye exam, and prior eye condition were obtained via survey. At the end of the visit, patients were provided with eye drops, glasses prescription, referral to Penn State Health Eye Center, or a voucher to receive free eyeglasses at a local optical shop.
Results :
Results: 22 patients were seen at a student-run ophthalmology clinic. 27% (n=6) patients had a prior eye condition and 45% (n=10) of patients received an eye exam more than two years ago. Top cited reasons for missed exam were lack of insurance, time restrictions, homelessness, and transportation. Risk factors for ocular conditions included diabetes (36%, n=8), hypertension (14%, n=3), and hypercholesterolemia (23%, n=5). Outcomes of the clinic included prescription eyeglasses (36%, n=8) reading glasses (27%, n=6), referral to Penn State Health (36%, n=8), medication (5%, n=1), and new diagnosis (14%, n=3). One patient required emergent referral for a choroidal mass.
Conclusions :
Conclusions: Preliminary results demonstrate significant need for early screening interventions and increased access to eyecare in the homeless and underinsured populations of Harrisburg. There are currently no other free ophthalmology clinics in Harrisburg. Due to the success of this pilot clinic and availability of resources and funding, we will continue to hold quarterly ophthalmology clinics. Future clinics will provide preventative eye care for high-risk populations and affordable access to ocular care.
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.