Purpose :
The Preceyes Surgical System (PSS; Preceyes B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands) is a robotic assistive device designed to enhance surgical precision in vitreoretinal procedures such as a membrane peeling (MP). This study assessed the pre- and intraoperative times to evaluate the time needed for preoperative patients preparing and robot-assisted MP (RA-MP) as well as the learning curve of surgeons in the operating room.
Methods :
We analyzed the time requirement of preoperative preparing such as the draping of PSS and of RA-MP performed at the Department of Ophthalmology in Zurich by two experienced vitreoretinal surgeons. The timing of the PSS draping and following surgical steps have been assessed in minutes: trocar placement, vitrectomy, connection of instrument manipulator (IM) to the trocar, flap initiation and peeling. A descriptive statistical analysis has been performed to present results.
Results :
RA-MP has been performed in 9 eyes of 9 patients. In three cases, the intervention was combined with a phacoemulsification with the implantation of an intraocular lens. The three main tasks were defined with draping, patient preparation and surgical intervention. The draping/preparation of the PSS included the trocar holder, instrument manipulator, control screen among others. The draping of the PSS required a mean of 12.3 min (± 3.0) and demonstrated a learning curve of a maximum of 15 min decreasing to 6 min at the end of the study period. The main task patient preparation was subdivided into introduction of general anesthesia and a final preparing of the patient such as head fixation, eye draping and a reachability check of the instrument holder. The patient's preparation demonstrated a mean of 47.2 min (± 8.9) with a range of 36 to 65 min. Surgical intervention had a mean time of 72.4 (± 15.4) min with a range of 57 to 100 min. The start and end for the main task surgery was defined with placement of the first and removal of last trocar. The RA-MP was performed in a mean time of 27.9 (± 12.9) min with a range of 9 to 46 min. The time of the whole procedure from draping to the end of surgery was 132 (± 19.3, range of 115-172) min.
Conclusions :
In this pilot study, we could show a substantial reduction of pre- and intraoperative time, going down to a total of 115 minutes.
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.