Purpose :
Goldmann Size V visual field (VF) stimuli were previously shown to potentially have clinical utility in detecting glaucomatous defects, even in early glaucoma [1]. One way to use larger stimuli may be to use fewer points in testing the VF. This ongoing, preliminary clinical study compared the repeatability of the locations in a prototype Size V reduced density central VF test to a reference Size V 10-2 test in healthy and glaucomatous eyes.
Methods :
Size V VFs for a custom, reduced density central test pattern (32 points; see Fig. 1) paired with the Full Threshold (FT) strategy and a reference Size V 10-2 FT test (64 points) were acquired at each of two visits within 3 months for healthy and glaucomatous subjects on an HFA3 Model 840 (ZEISS, Dublin, CA). Visit 1 Mean Deviations (MD) from Size III FT 10-2 VFs also acquired at each visit were used as a reference for disease severity. Size V reference limits for normality were interpolated from a previous study [1]. Repeatability for the tests was calculated by computing test-retest standard deviations (TRT-SD) from both visit data for MD and pooled individual threshold values.
Results :
For 32 healthy eyes (31 subjects), mean age was 52.3 (standard deviation, SD: 14.5; range: 27.7 to 79.2) years and mean 10-2 FT Size III MD was 0.23 (SD: 1.45; range: -2.86 to 2.61) dB. For 18 glaucoma eyes (16 subjects), mean age was 77.7 (SD: 5.3; range 63.2 to 87.6) years and mean 10-2 FT MD was -8.78 (SD: 7.18; range: -29.18 to -0.93) dB. Three fellow eyes were tested and treated as independent eyes. TRT-SDs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for MD were 0.78 [0.55, 0.96] and 0.69 [0.49, 0.84] dB for reference and reduced patterns, respectively. Fig. 2 shows TRT-SDs for reduced pattern thresholds were also comparable to the reference pattern.
Conclusions :
The findings in this preliminary study suggest the repeatability of the test locations in the reduced test pattern are comparable to the reference 10-2 test pattern. As a result, a visual field test utilizing this pattern with Size V stimuli to test fewer locations may maintain comparable ability to detect progressive local changes in a given test location in the central visual field as compared to the current 10-2 test pattern.
[1] Flanagan et al. IOVS 2016; 57(12).
This abstract was presented at the 2023 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, 2023.