Chloé Pagot Streetlab, Code E (Employment);
Mylène Poujade Streetlab, Code E (Employment);
Karine Becker None;
Suzon Ajasse Streetlab, Code E (Employment);
Cécilia Coen Streetlab, Code E (Employment);
Caroline De Montleau Streetlab, Code E (Employment);
Magali Taiel GenSight Biologics, Code E (Employment);
Saddek Mohand-Said None;
Jose Sahel Avista RX, Code C (Consultant/Contractor), GenSight Biologics, Sparing Vision, Prophesee, Chronolife, Tilak Healthcare, VegaVect Inc., Avista, Tenpoint, SharpEye, Code I (Personal Financial Interest), Unpaid censor on the board of GenSight Biologics and SparingVision, Censor on the board of Avista, Chair advisory board of SparingVision, Tenpoint, Institute of Ophthalmology Basel (IOB), President of the Fondation Voir & Entendre, Director board of trustees RD Fund (Foundation Fighting Blindness), Gilbert Foundation advisory board, Code S (non-remunerative);
Isabelle Audo Roche, Novartis, Code I (Personal Financial Interest)