Our previous research has shown a relationship between meibum structure (conformation) and function: more ordered (stiff) meibum is associated with a decrease in tear film stability.
10 A major question is, what compositional changes cause meibum order to increase in DED? R
CE/WE is a major compositional variant in meibum, and we have found that meibum R
CE/WE levels are associated with dry eye in patients with Parkinson's disease,
49 MGD,
35–37 and Sjögren's syndrome,
50 as well as in patients who received local plaque brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma.
51 Furthermore, changes in R
CE/WE were shown to influence the rheology of tear lipids on an aqueous surface in vitro,
34 increasing the probability that it contributes to, rather than is a consequence of, evaporative DED. However, the answer to the question of cause or effect is not as simple as “a loss of CE increases lipid order, resulting in a loss of tear film stability and DED.” Meibum R
CE/WE levels are elevated, rather than decreased, in patients with Sjögren's syndrome and dry eye.
50 Furthermore, when CE and WE were collected from human meibum and mixed together in different ratios, it was found that decreases in CE can either order or disorder the lipid mixture, depending on whether the WE was more or less ordered than the CE.
52 Order of the WE and CE mixture depends on hydrocarbon chain length, branching, and saturation levels of both the CE and WE.
10 The bulk meibum data from mixtures of CE and WE are relevant to meibum in the meibomian gland, and also to meibum on the tear film surface. Increased order and chain melting temperature of the bulk samples correlated with increases in the maximum surface pressure attained at minimal surface area and the transient dilatational modulus of the meibum layer at an air/water interface in vitro.
34 Thus, changes in the spectroscopic packing parameters determined for bulk meibum translated to changes in the performance of the meibum layer at an air/water interface, and likely translate to changes in the surface film functionality of the TFLL. In future studies, it would be beneficial to separate meibum WE and CE and to measure WE and CE chain length, branching, and saturation using NMR spectroscopy, and then to compare the WE and CE hydrocarbon chain compositions to hydrocarbon chain order (conformation) using infrared spectroscopy, rheology,
53 and Langmuir trough technology. A potential effect of aging of the WE and CE on hydrocarbon chain order could also be explored, as a study by Svitova and Lin
54 demonstrated that aging of the lipid in model tear-lipid films slowed the rate of evaporation. One of the many advantages of using an NMR spectroscopic approach is that the sample is not destroyed upon compositional analysis as it is with mass spectrometry, and the sample can be used later for the quantification of structural order and elasticity using infrared spectroscopy and Langmuir trough technology, respectively. Not only the change in R
CE/WE, but also changes in meibum saturation,
11,55,56 hydrocarbon chain length
57 and branching,
58 protein levels,
59 and (O-acyl)-ω-hydroxy fatty acid levels
57,60 together or separately could contribute to dry eye, or at least be a marker for it.