To estimate the rate of rhodopsin photoisomerization produced by our stimuli, we followed the approach detailed in Hansen et al.
33 Briefly, we calculated the Troland value (Td·s·m
–2) for retinal illumination by multiplying the stimuli, measured in candelas, by 50 (i.e., π·
\({( {\frac{8}{2}} )^2}\)) and then multiplying the result by 8.5, a factor that accounts for various properties of the rods and the quantum efficiency of rhodopsin.
34 As shown in
Figure 1, we derived the time course of the rod response to a white LED (0.17 cd·s·m
–2, ∼75 R* rod
–1) CF that elicited a small
a-wave, as follows: first, we recorded the response to the CF alone. Then, we recorded the response to an intense white LED (20 cd·s·m
–2, ∼8500 R* rod
–1), rod-saturating PF and measured its amplitude 10 ms after presentation (just before the trough of the
a-wave). We took this measurement as proportionate to the amplitude of the maximal rod dark current,
amax. Next, we presented 10 pairs of stimuli, CF then PF, distinguished by ISI. The ISIs were 10 ms, 20 ms, 50 ms, 0.1 s, 0.15 s, 0.2 s, 0.4 s, 0.7 s, 1 s, and 1.4 s. We used the response to the CF recorded alone as the baseline for measuring the amplitude of the response to the PF at each interstimulus time
asat,t. Therefore, the fraction of the dark current suppressed by the CF at elapsed time
t, SF
t, was given by SF
t = 1 –
amax. Twelve volunteers completed two runs in the same session.