Supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to Heonuk Jeong (20K18357 and 23K15937) and by AMED-CREST under Grant Number JP22gm1510007. Also supported by the Grant for Myopia Research from Tsubota Laboratory, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan).
Disclosure: H. Jeong, (P); D. Lee, None; X. Jiang, (P); K. Negishi, Seed (F), medical GmbH (F); K. Tsubota, (P), Santen (F), Kowa (F), Rohto Pharmaceutical (F), SBI Holdings (F), Tsubota Laboratory (E, F, I, R), TissueTech (I), Cellusion (I), Restore Vision (I); T. Kurihara, (P), Fuji Xerox (F), Kowa (F), Rohto Pharmaceutical (F), Santen (F), Seed (F), Tsubota Laboratory (F, I), Waskasa Seikatsu (F), Restore Vision (I)