There are few proteomic studies on human ocular melanoma tissues to date and several were limited in that they performed analysis exclusively on enucleated eyes, which biased toward the inclusion of larger tumors.
46–50 Furthermore, few proteomic studies to date have utilized GEP and PRAME classifications in their analysis. In a recent vitreous study of UM, 41 proteins were evaluated in relation to GEP class in a discovery cohort comprising 18 patients with UM.
51 The study identified six differentially expressed proteins (MCP-1, MIP-1a, MIP-1b, IP-10, IL-6, and PDGF-AA) and similarly suggested the prognostic potential of vitreous protein profiling, but was limited in the number of detected DEPs through use of a targeted proteomics platform.
51 Our results from vitreous biopsies are similarly encouraging, and they raise the question of alternative liquid biopsies, including aqueous humor and tears. Another recent liquid biopsy study of UM utilized aqueous humor samples from 90 patients with UM to study the differential expression of 92 pre-selected proteins.
46 This larger cohort size of this study lended to more detailed comparisons of protein expression with regard to patient age, tumor size, ciliary body involvement, AJCC stage, monosomy of chromosome 3, and gain of chromosome 8q.
46 Finally, a recent multiplex proximity extension assay (PEA)-based analysis (measuring 1469 preselected proteins) of aqueous humor samples from 17 patients with UM demonstrated that aqueous protein expression correlated with GEP class.
19 Together, these studies similarly suggest that liquid biopsies could serve as surrogates for direct tumor biopsy and allow for less invasive determination of a low or high-risk lesion which can be potentially repeated as a strategy to guide treatment decisions. Thus, future studies will aim to apply the current findings from our vitreous analysis to other fluids and to compare protein expression among patients with different clinical characteristics (e.g. age, tumor size, AJCC stage, etc.). With aqueous and tear samples, there is no need to use an operating room and incur all the associated costs of equipment and personnel.