The study of ocular biometry on MRI images has several advantages, such as the possibility of studying the dimensions of the eye in all directions as well as volumes. A few previous studies reported eye measurements on MRI in babies and adults. Newborns were reported to have an average eye volume of 2428 mm
3, whereas our 10-year-old children had an average eye volume of 6670 mm
15 This suggests a volume increase by a factor of 2.75 in the first decade. Ethnic differences may play a role, as children of the Singapore STARS study already had an eye volume of 6690 mm
3 at the age of 6.5 years. This is similar to our 10-year-old children and corresponds to the same mean spherical equivalent (0.70 D vs. 0.65 D).
17 Our mean posterior segment length was only slightly shorter than that found in a study of adults, but this population consisted of predominantly female subjects who are known to have shorter axial lengths.
16 With higher myopic refractions, axial length increased by a factor of 3 compared to the width of the eye and by 1.5 compared to the height of the eye. This is in line with measurements that have been reported before.
13 Another advantage of using MRI imaging is the possibility of assessing the shape of the eye in a three-dimensional plane without it being affected by the eye's optical power. We found that the majority of our participants had an oblate eye shape; 47.4% of myopic participants had a prolate eye shape. Prolateness increases with a higher axial length, and the prolateness is more in the vertical plane than in the horizontal plane. Several studies using various methods of imaging describe that the eye becomes more prolate with increasing myopia in both children and adults.
15,20,25,38 The eyes of our participants were not fully grown yet and, with age, will increase more in axial length than in height and in width. In addition, the level of myopia at which the prolate change becomes most obvious is scarce at the age of 9 years.
36 Peripheral refraction studies had similar results with more hyperopic defocus in the periphery in myopic eyes, indicating a more prolate shape, and more myopic defocus in hyperopic eyes, indicating a more oblate shape.
39,40 Some studies identified additional asymmetry in the peripheral refraction in the horizontal and vertical axis.
41 In future studies, we will use our segmentations to create personal peripheral refraction profiles for our participants using ray-tracing models.
42 This will allow us to study the relationship among peripheral refraction, eye shape, and myopia progression.