We focus here on the injection and subsequent transport of bevacizumab, a commonly injected drug. We estimated bevacizumab's diffusion coefficient in the vitreous by first using the Stokes–Einstein equation to estimate the diffusivity in free solution (unhindered diffusion):
D = \frac{{{k_B}T}}{{6\pi \mu a}},\quad
kB is Boltzmann's constant (1.38 × 10
−23 J/K),
T is the absolute temperature (310 K), and
a denotes the hydrodynamic radius of the diffusing species. For bevacizumab, we have
a = 4.58 × 10
−9 m,
41 which yields
D = 7 × 10
−11 m
−1, in line with the value derived by Hutton-Smith et al.
42 The question then arises as to the appropriate value of
D in the vitreous, where some degree of diffusive hindering may occur. The major components of the vitreous humor are collagen and hyaluronan, and we here estimate the pore sizes in the vitreous from knowledge of their concentrations. We first consider collagen, whose concentration in the bovine vitreous is 1.1 × 10
−2 weight %,
43 which corresponds to a collagen solid fraction of ϕ = 8 × 10
−5, considering a density of collagen fiber of ρ
c = 1420 kg/m
44 Idealizing collagen fibrils in the vitreous as uniformly distributed cylinders of radius
ac = 12.5 nm,
45 the solid fraction can be expressed as
\(\phi = {\rm{\pi }}{( {\frac{{{a_c}}}{b}} )^2}\), where
b is the side of a “squared unit cell” around each collagen fiber,
46 which is equal to half the characteristic interfiber spacing. Based on this approach, we compute a characteristic interfiber spacing of 2.5 × 10
−6 m, which is far larger than the hydrodynamic radius of bevacizumab, from which we conclude that collagen in the vitreous does not appreciably hinder the diffusion of bevacizumab. A similar calculation can be repeated for hyaluronan, using a concentration of 2 × 10
−2 weight % (ϕ = 6.1 × 10
−5, with hyaluronan density ρ
h ≈ 1800 kg/m
3) and fiber radius of 0.5 nm, yielding a characteristic interfiber spacing of 1.1 × 10
−7 m, which again is much larger than the hydrodynamic radius of bevacizumab. We therefore expect that, to a first approximation, diffusive hindrance due to the vitreous is modest, and we therefore use the free solution value for the diffusion coefficient of bevacizumab in our calculations, namely,
D = 7 × 10
−11 m
−1. All the parameters used in this work are summarized in