A total of 13 eyes aged from eight to 36 WG, and six, nine, and 17 years were analyzed in this study. The morphological observations were made by the two authors (SSD and MEK) independently, and the findings were compared and confirmed by both. All quantitative analyses were undertaken by SSD.
Ten fetal specimens aged eight to 36 WG were prepared by MEK and TCL, as previously reported.
25–30 Three additional specimens aged six, nine, and 17 years were received as donations for research purposes from the Lions Sydney Eye Bank, New South Wales Tissue Banks, New South Wales Organ and Donation Service at the Sydney Eye Hospital for research, after cornea removal for transplantation. These three specimens were de-identified with cause of death being congenital heart disease (six and nine years) and car accident (17 years), with no history of ophthalmic disease. Collection of specimens was covered by the Human Ethics Committee from the University of Sydney protocols: 2006/9063, 2012/15189, 2014/15190 and coordinated with the Lions Sydney Eye Bank, New South Wales Tissue Banks, New South Wales Organ and Donation Service at the Sydney Eye Hospital. The research plan adhered to the tenets of the guidelines set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki.
Morphology, size, and number of specific subcellular organelles; melanosomes in different stages of maturation, mitochondria, phagosomes, complex granules, lipofuscin granules, nuclei, mitophagosome, autophagosome, and autolysosomes were quantified by iTEM software (Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH, Germany). The TEM and software are calibrated biannually to meet ISO 15189 and ISO 29301 as part of their NATA accreditation, thus ensuring the accuracy of the analysis. Specifically, pixel size at magnification ranges from ×500 to ×100,000 is set during the initial installation of the digital camera system. These remain constant throughout the life of the CCD in the camera. The TEM itself is calibrated twice per year and is within 0.5% of the manufacturer's specifications for the instrument. Calibrations are performed at all changes of filaments and when alignments are performed. Calibration is undertaken using a metrologically traceable standard (MAG*I*CAL).
Because the horizontal diameter of the eye cup increases from approximately 10 mm at 24 WG to 17 mm at 36 WG, similar to the optic nerve head (ONH) broadening, and increasing cell density and dimensions of the antecedent macular region,
31 our region of analyses and collection of samples were undertaken from the area adjacent to the ONH.
After enucleation of the eyes, the anterior segment and vitreous were removed, and the eyecups were immersed fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4), with extra injections of the fixative into the vitreous at 4°C for 24 hours (primary fixation). The eyes were post-fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) at room temperature for four hours. Several of the fetal specimens were fixed and stored in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer pH 7.6, before additional fixation in 2% glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide as above. Consequently, image quality was marginally compromised due to extraction of the cytoplasmic content and cristae of the mitochondria. The eyecup was then subjected to a circular and four radial incisions. A circular sampling of 1 mm full thickness was taken from the ONH at 9 o'clock with a disposable 1 mm biopsy punch (BP-10F, Kai Medical, Japan). A second sampling was taken from 9 mm further in the temporal side of 26 to 28 WG specimens to compare regional differentiation of RPE in the ONH and mid-peripheral retina. The sclera was peeled off, and preparation of the specimens for transmission electron microscopy was performed as previously reported.
30 In addition, to evaluate the ChC maturation, five independent locations were assessed per capillary, and 25 capillaries (each ∼100 µm
2) observed in total, at six years in both the ONH and mid periphery. A minimum of 50 fields of views (which equates to five images per cell for a total of 10 cells per age) were captured and analyzed. Furthermore, to permit capture of optimal images in support of key findings, an additional 40 fields of views (which equates to five images per cell for a total of eight cells per age) were captured at eight, 10, 24, 26, and 36 WG and six years, corresponding to the youngest specimens studied, onset of eye opening, first evidence of autophagy observed, oldest fetal specimen studied, and the age at which lipofuscin was first observed, respectively. RPE cells at each age were evaluated at low magnification, and their organelles were measured in high magnified views. Additional post-capture optimization of the contrast and gray range of the images were undertaken using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - 13.0.2 release, build [202311290958-8ff975ea] software. Finally, the mean ± S.E.M. of all measurements for each different age was analyzed by one-way ANOVA with post-hoc tests, and
P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.