The purpose of this study was to investigate the spatial distribution of human cone photoreceptors and examine cone density differences between the retinal meridians and quadrants.
Using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, the maculae were imaged in 17 eyes of 11 subjects with normal chorioretinal health aged 54 to 72 years. We measured cone density at 325 points within the central 10 degrees radius of the retina. Cone density spatial distributions along the primary retinal meridians and in four macular quadrants (superior-nasal, superior-temporal, inferior-temporal, and inferior-nasal) were analytically modeled using the polynomial function to assess the meridional and quadrantal difference.
The mean and 95% confidence interval for the prediction of cone density along the primary retinal meridians was modeled with a 7-degree one-variable polynomial (R2 = 0.9761, root mean squared error [RMSE] = 0.0585). In the 4 retinal quadrants, cone density distribution was described by a 2-variable polynomial with X degree 3 and Y degree 4 (R² = 0.9834, RMSE = 0.0377). The models suggest no statistically significant difference between medians and between quadrants. However, cone density difference at corresponding spatial locations in different areas can be up to 25.6%. The superior-nasal region has more areas with high cone density, followed by quadrants of inferior-nasal, inferior-temporal, and superior-temporal.
Analytical modeling provides comprehensive knowledge of cone distribution across the entire macula. Although modeling analysis suggests no statistically significant difference between medians and between quadrants, the remarkable cone density discrepancies in certain regions should be accounted for in applications requiring sensitive detection of cone variation.
Cone photoreceptors within the macula of the human eye are essential phototransduction cells ensuring high acuity vision and color perception.
1 The spatial distribution of these cells dictates the spatial information conveyed to higher stages of visual processing.
2 In a seminal work, Curcio and co-workers systematically quantified the two dimensional (2D) distribution of the human photoreceptor (including cones and rods) using the whole mounts of the fixed donor retinas, establishing the basic knowledge of the human cone topography.
Recent advance in adaptive optics (AO) retinal imaging has enabled in vivo imaging of cone photoreceptors in the human eye routinely.
4 The fundamental spatial properties of cone density have been studied in eyes with normal chorioretinal health, including density variation with retinal eccentricity,
5–8 the influence of the eye length,
5,9,10 refractive error, gender, race/ethnicity and ocular dominance,
5 the aging effect,
5,11,12 the variability of foveal cone density,
13 the interocular symmetry of the foveal cone mosaic,
13–15 cone density distribution differences between the fovea and the periphery,
16 and the foveal cone packing mosaic pattern.
17 These studies replicated the cone spatial distribution characteristics obtained by histology, such as a peak of density at the foveal center, a sharp density drop in the fovea and parafovea, and then a mild decline with increasing eccentricity, wide variability of foveal cone density, isodensity contours elongated along the horizontal meridian, and higher density in the nasal than the temporal periphery.
5,7,9–11,13,15–24 In vivo cone density measured in the normal eyes by AO imaging not only enriched our knowledge of visual sampling and limit, but also provided a reference for assessing cone loss in various retinal diseases.
However, in the published work, cone density has been mainly examined along the primary retinal medians or in the fovea. The 2D distribution across the whole macula is inadequately studied, leaving fundamental questions regarding cone density differences within individuals in medians and quadrants incompletely understood or clarified. In practical application, cone density was often modeled as a function of retinal eccentricity,
11,16,20,23,28,29 and hinted a statistically isotropic distribution in the macula, despite the histologic and in vivo finding of the anisotropic cone density along different meridians.
5–11,13,15–24 The incomplete characterization of the cone density distribution and variability within individual eyes can obscure the study of cone density variation between subjects.
To fully understand the fundamental spatial structure of macular cone photoreceptors in the human eye, it is essential to evaluate cone density in two dimensions across the entire macula in eyes with normal chorioretinal health. The result can provide a reference to assess the impact of aging and chorioretinal disease on cone photoreceptors, thereby leveraging the technical advantages offered by AO high-resolution retinal imaging. Thus, this study analytically examined the spatial distribution of macular cone density in healthy human eyes. It addressed fundamental questions about directional and regional cone density differences within the same eye. We evaluated the cone density distribution in the primary retinal meridians and four retinal quadrants (Q1 = superior-nasal; Q2 = superior-temporal; Q3 = inferior-temporal; and Q4 = inferior-nasal) using the data acquired by a research grade AO scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO)
30,31 in a group of older participants.
Precise and comprehensive knowledge of cone spatial distribution across the macula is vital for understanding the fundamental constraints on visual perception and measuring the effects of aging and disease on photoreceptors. By analytically modeling cone density acquired in subjects with tightly controlled age range and refraction status, we examined the two-dimensional spatial distribution of the cone photoreceptors across the entire macula of the human eye. We answered fundamental questions regarding directional and quadrantal differences in cone density within the subject, which is essential for other aspects of accurate macular cone morphology.
Because cone density was measured at discrete retinal loci in practical applications, properly modeling the cone density variation against the retinal location is essential for understanding the fundamental spatial arrangement of these cells. An analytical model of the cone density and its predicted variance (the 95% confidence interval) allows us to assess cone density at any retinal point across the macula, thereby providing precise measures of the fundamental limits of visual sampling and the impact of aging and chorioretinal diseases.
4,25,26 Albeit the importance, cone density modeling was inexplicitly and inadequately studied. Duncan and associates used a quadratic function to model cone spacing with data measured at retinal locations from 0.5 degrees to 3.5 degrees eccentricity.
29 Song and co-workers adopted an exponential function to fit the cone density acquired in the primary retinal medians.
11 Zayit-Soudry et al.,
20 Qin et al.,
23 and Cooper et al.
45 described cone spacing in normal human subjects using an exponential function. In a recent publication, Duncan and colleagues modeled the mean spacing of the cones as a function of location using a double exponential function to account for the spatial position of the region of interest in the macula.
28 In these pioneering studies, cone density or spacing was modeled either in one direction and did not consider potential directional differences, or along the primary retinal meridians and did not account for possible two-dimensional inhomogeneity across the macula. Our study addressed these inadequacies by examining the cone density in the primary medians and in four macular quadrants. Furthermore, in a recent study, Elsner and colleagues found cone densities at 0.63 mm retinal eccentricity were uncorrelated to those at 2.07 mm. This fact rules out models with a constant or proportional relation of cone density to eccentricity,
16 indicating that the spatial variation of the cone photoreceptors should be modeled with higher-order mathematical functions. We thus modeled cone density with high-order polynomials based on an evaluation of different mathematical functions, including exponential, Fourier, Gaussian, and rational functions (see
Supplementary Table S1).
Our study extended previous work by measuring cone density across the whole macula. Previous studies have mainly documented the cone density at discrete retinal loci in the fovea and parafovea or along the primary retinal medians. The analytical model provides an intuitive visualization of the cone density distribution across the macula. Overall, the superior-nasal quadrant (Q1) has more areas with high cone density, which are then followed by the inferior-nasal quadrant (Q4), the inferior-temporal quadrant (Q3), and the superior-temporal quadrant (Q2). The nasal side retina had more regions with high cone density than the temporal side. Along the primary retinal meridians, cone density is higher along the horizontal (temporal-nasal) than the vertical (superior-inferior). These characteristic properties have only been reported in histology
3 and partially measured by in vivo AO imaging studies.
The models disclose that the mean cone densities in the four retinal medians are within the common confidence interval (see
Fig. 4), indicating no statistical evidence of a difference in cone density distribution in the four meridians. Likewise, the models reveal that the mean cone densities in most locations of the four retinal quadrants are within the common confidence interval (see
Fig. 5), suggesting no statistical evidence of a difference in cone density distribution in the four quadrants. Thus, the macular cone density can be described by a function of a single variable, that is, the eccentricity, in light of the statistical significance. However, the substantial discrepancy in the cone density at specific retinal locations should be noted. For example, cone density at (3.7 degrees, 0 degrees) nasal meridian is higher than at (0 degrees, 3.7 degrees) superior meridian by 25.6% (see
Fig. 4), and cone density at (8.6 degrees, 2.7 degrees) in the Q1 superior-nasal quadrant is higher than at (−8.6 degrees, 2.7 degrees) in the Q2 superior-temporal quadrant by 12.7% (see
Fig. 5). Lumping data at the same eccentricity in all quadrants can thus yield a significant variance, reducing the sensitivity to detect cone loss in retinal diseases and treatment, which requires appropriately established normative data with narrow confidence limits. Thus, A 2D map of cone density and its variance is ideal for precisely assessing cone loss.
The strength of this study lies in a carefully established retinal coordinate system with a precisely determined origin point at the foveal center,
3 which defines the spatial locations of the sampling points. Histological
3 and in vivo imaging studies
10,12,13 have found a dramatic density drop from the fovea. Thus, precisely determining the foveal center location is critical. We have identified this point by the peak cone density
3,9,10,12,13 and checked with the OCT B-scans of the fovea.
36 Further, we made a continuous montage of the cone photoreceptor images and registered it to the fundus photograph, thereby establishing the retinal coordinates system to model the spatial distribution of the cone photoreceptors with rigorous mathematical functions. Furthermore, we carefully assessed the modeling correctness by evaluating the residual error distribution and correcting for the data abnormality, thereby avoiding inappropriate modeling only judged by the
R2. It is also worth mentioning that our data were derived from an older population, providing valuable age-matched comparisons for the diseased populations. The study also identified limitations to be addressed in future investigations. We used data acquired in a small number of subjects only. The spatial locations do not have an equal number of measurements. There are fewer measured data at 10 degrees eccentricity, which may be the contributory factor resulting in cone density at some edge points outside the common confidence interval. Another weakness is that all measurements were only performed at the integer grid points (see
Fig. 1). A more random sampling is preferable for proper modeling. Future measurement in more subjects incorporated with split-detection imaging is warranted.
In conclusion, analytical modeling of cone density and its predicted variance allows for assessing cone density at any spatial retinal location and indicates no statistically significant difference between medians and quadrants. However, due to the significant discrepancies in cone density in certain retina regions, a 2D cone density map should be considered for precisely assessing cone variation and cone loss.
The authors thank Christine A Curcio, PhD, Cynthia Owsley, PhD, C. Douglas Witherspoon, MD, Christopher A Girkin, MD, and Mark E Clark, BS, for helping with data acquisition.
Supported by research grants from the National Institute of Health (R01EY024378 and R01EY034218), W. M. Keck Foundation, Carl Marshall Reeves & Mildred Almen Reeves Foundation, Research to Prevent Blindness/Dr. H. James and Carole Free Catalyst Award for Innovative Research Approaches for AMD.
Disclosure: X. Wang, None; S. Hoshi, None; R. Liu, None; Y. Zhang, None