The authors thank all patients and investigators of the VIEW 1 and VIEW 2 studies for their participation in these trials. The authors would also like to thank David Bauer for support in coordinating genotyping efforts, Anke Weispfenning for assistance with knowledge transfer and regulations, and Jens Hooge for data analyses. Medical writing and editorial support for the preparation of this manuscript (under the guidance of the authors) was provided by Sarah Feeny, BMedSci, and Karen Yee, PhD, of ApotheCom (UK), funded by Bayer Consumer Care AG, Basel, Switzerland, in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP) standards (Ann Intern Med 2022;175:1298–1304).
Supported by Bayer Consumer Care AG, Switzerland. The VIEW studies were sponsored by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc, USA, and Bayer AG, Germany. Medical writing and editorial support for the preparation of this manuscript, under the guidance of the authors, was provided by Sarah Feeny and Karen Yee of ApotheCom, UK, and was funded by Bayer Consumer Care AG, Basel, Switzerland, in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP) standards (Ann Intern Med 2022;175:1298–1304). The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
Disclosure: R.H. Guymer, Apellis (C, F, R), Bayer (C), Novartis (C), Roche Genentech (C); R. Silva, Allergan (C), Alimera (C), Bayer (C, F, R), Novartis (C), Novo Nordisk (C, F), Roche (C, F, R), Thea (C), AbbVie (R); M. Ghadessi, Bayer (E, I); S. Leal, Bayer (E, I); I. Gashaw, Bayer (E); A. Damask, Regeneron (E); C. Paulding, Regeneron (E); K.D. Rittenhouse, Bayer (E)