T2 values are a surrogate for the water-bound protein ratios in the lens and are inversely proportional to the refractive index,
n.11 Previously, we had shown in wild-type mice that the T2 of the lens decreases with age.
16 In this study, we performed similar experiments on Cx50KO and Cx50KI46 mice to extract T2 maps from animals ranging from 3 weeks to 6 months of age (
Fig. 6). These images show the effect of the removal or replacement of Cx50 on the extracted T2 maps. To facilitate the visualization of these age-dependent changes in T2 values in the different mice, line profiles extracted from the equatorial axis were plotted on a logarithmic scale against the normalized radial distance (
Figs. 7A–D). This analysis confirmed that the significant changes in the T2 profile for Cx50KO and Cx50KI46 with age were localized to the central region of the lens (± 0.6
r/a) and the largest changes occurred between the ages of 0.75 to 1.5 months before becoming less noticeable from 3 to 6 months of age. To enable comparison between the groups of lenses, the mean T2 from a region of interest in the lens nucleus (
r/a = 0) was extracted and plotted against age (
Fig. 7E). As shown for wild-type lenses in our previous study,
16 T2 in the central lens nucleus decreased at a faster rate at earlier ages before stabilizing at approximately 3 months of age. Relative to wild-type and Cx50KO mice, the T2 of the nucleus of Cx50KI46 lenses was 58.7% and 68.1% higher, respectively, in lenses at 3 weeks of age. However, with advancing age, the T2 of the nucleus for the Cx50KI46 lens moved closer to both wild-type and Cx50KO T2 values, and by 6 months, Cx50KI46 lenses were not significantly different from the wild-type lenses. In contrast, from 3 weeks to 6 months, the central T2 of Cx50KO lenses was consistently lower than that of wild-type lenses.
To investigate the effects of lens size on these differences in the age-dependent changes in T2 values from the lens nucleus, we re-plotted the values against lens volume (
Fig. 7F). This analysis showed that despite dramatically different initial volumes, all lenses exhibited the same age-dependent decrease in the T2 values in the lens nucleus. The initial rate of decrease of T2 in Cx50KI46 lenses was initially steeper than the rates shown by both wild-type and Cx50KO lenses. This suggested that regardless of the lenses’ actual size, modulating gap junction coupling altered the rate at which the water-bound-protein ratios, represented by the T2 values, were reduced during these 6 months of lens growth.
Becuase T2 is inversely correlated with
n, T2 maps were converted into GRIN maps (
Fig. 8) using
Equations 3 and
4, from which GRIN profiles were extracted and plotted against the normalized radial distance (
Figs. 9A–D) for wild-type, Cx50KO, and Cx50KI46 mice. The conversion of T2 values to
n produced GRIN profiles that exhibited more pronounced age-related changes in magnitude and shape with the emergence of a plateau in the GRIN similar to that observed previously in wild-type lenses.
16 By extracting the maximal refractive index (
Max n) from the lens nucleus and plotting it against age, it became apparent that there was a large increase in
Max n observed in all 3 mouse groups between 0.75 and 1.5 months of age (
Fig. 9E). The
Max n values extracted from Cx50KO mice were consistently higher than those from wild-type or Cx50KI46 lenses at all ages. Plotting
Max n as a function of lens volume revealed similar shapes of the rate of change in
Max n, but with differences in the value of
n, and accentuated the differences between Cx50KO and Cx50KI46 mice (
Fig. 9F).