In 1967, Anstis
1 first described the ramp aftereffect, a visual phenomenon in which human perception is altered by adaptation to a sawtooth stimulus. When a luminance change following a sawtooth function is presented, a subsequent static stimulus will be perceived as changing its luminance dynamically. The direction of the perceived change is dependent on the polarity of the sawtooth. For upward ramps (i.e., slow rising phases and interposed rapid drops of luminance) the ramp aftereffect will be one of subjective dimming, whereas after downward ramps (i.e., slow decreases of luminance followed by rapid jumps to high luminance) a brightening is perceived. Sawtooth adaptation can also induce motion perception if followed by a test patch with luminance gradation.
1 The underlying physiological mechanisms are still unknown, although psychophysical investigations have provided key insights into the ramp aftereffect's governing principles. For instance, temporal frequency does not seem to influence effect strength,
2 and the ramp aftereffect does not result from adaptation to contrast but purely to light.
3 Experiments with artificial pupils have excluded pupillary dilation as its possible source.
1 The large spatial coarseness of the ramp aftereffect, around four to five times larger than the receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs),
4 suggests a cortical origin. Furthermore, an electroretinogram (ERG) study on another type of directional dynamic adaptation, namely motion adaptation, has not found evidence of an involvement of the retina.
5 In contrast, the lack of interocular transfer narrows down possible sites of ramp adaptation to those that process visual information monocularly.
1 Anstis and Harris
4 proposed the retina but also the lateral geniculate nucleus or the midbrain to represent viable places of origin but excluded the V1 on account of incongruent spatial grain between receptive fields and ramp aftereffect. Comparing ramp aftereffect strength between polarities shows an asymmetry. The ramp aftereffect is stronger after adaptation to upward ramps.
2 This may hint toward two discrete pathways like the transient on- and off-pathways as suggested by Anstis and Harris.
4 On- and off-pathway signal luminance increments and decrements and originate in the bipolar cells (BCs) of the retina.
6,7 Following roughly the push-pull model first proposed in cats,
8 light-on events lead to an activation of on-type BCs, which have excitatory connections to on-RGCs while inhibiting off-RGCs directly or indirectly via amacrine cells.
7,9–11 After light-off events, off-BCs activate off-RGCs and inhibit on-RGCs, again with or without recruitment of amacrine cells.
7,9,11 Two aspects are particularly crucial. First, as implied by but not limited to the push-pull model of RGC activation, the two pathways do not relay information in isolation but do indeed interact and influence each other. Second, their anatomy, functionality, and crosstalk are asymmetric in nature (e.g., bigger receptive field sizes and faster responses in the on-pathway, as well as more inhibition from on- to off-pathway than vice versa).
12–15 As Anstis and Harris
4 argued already, it might be this asymmetry that allows the formation of the ramp aftereffect, instead of equal responses in mirrored pathways cancelling each other out.