From 1 to 3 timed pregnant mice, 20 to 24 trigeminal ganglia were dissected from 10 to 12 E11.5 mouse embryos. As they were collected, ganglia were pooled in PBS in a microfuge tube and kept on ice. After all ganglia were obtained, the microfuge tube was spun for 1 minute at 1000 rpm, the PBS discarded, and 600 µL Digestion Media was added (10 mL Neurobasal Medium [Gibco #21103049], 20 µL 10% BSA [Hyclone # SH30574.01], and 10 µL Papain [Sigma # P3125]) and the ganglia were incubated at 37°C for 20 minutes. After incubation, the ganglia were microfuged for 1 minute at 1000 rpm, Digestion Media was discarded, and the pellet resuspended and triturated in 600 µL of L15 Complete Medium (L15 Medium [Gibco #11415064], 5% FCS [Gibco #A3382001], 0.02 M HEPES [Gibco #15630-080], and 1% Pen-Strep) until dissociated. The tube was then microfuged for 3 minutes at 1300 rpm, the L15 Medium discarded, and cells resuspended in Neurobasal Medium (96 mL Neurobasal Medium [Gibco # 21103049], 0.63 g glucose [Gibco # A16828.36], 2% B27 serum-free supplement [Gibco # 17504-044], 1% Glutamax supplement [Gibco #35050061], 1% Pen-Strep [Gibco, # 15140-148] and 50 µL human β-nerve growth factor [PeproTech #450-01]).
For cultures containing neurons only, HCLE LN332 coated coverslips were prepared in six-well plates as described above with one coverslip per well. Sterile cloning cylinders (12 mm top × 13 mm; SP BelArt #F37847-0300) were placed on the coverslips using a thin layer of sterile silicon grease (Sigma Aldrich # 85410). We placed 300 µL of neurobasal medium in the cylinder and, typically, 100 µL of neurons in neurobasal were plated into the cylinder. Neurons were given 1 to 2 hours to adhere before removing media and adding fresh neurobasal media, media supplemented with 5 µm/mL RI, or with neurobasal conditioned media (nbCM). Wells were filled with the same media as in the cylinder so that each well of the six-well plate contained one coverslip with its cloning cylinder. Neurons were incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2 for 24 hours. For cocultures, 100 µL neurons in suspension were added to subconfluent HCLE cells grown on coverslips in six-well plates. HCLE cells were grown in HCLE media until neurons were to be added; then media was changed to Neurobasal Media prepared as described elsewhere in this article.