The dimly-lit LED target-elements were located in a configuration that achieved the desired relative depth and angular declination (
Figs. 4A front view;
4B top view;
4D side view). Calculated relative to target C
1, targets R
1 and L
1 each had 3 arc min relative binocular disparity, targets R
2 and L
2 each had 6 arc min relative binocular disparity, and targets C
2 and C
3 each had 16 arc min relative binocular disparity. All targets, except C
2 and C
3, had the same angular declination (12.5 degrees) from the eye level. To achieve this, paired targets R
1 and L
1 and R
2 and L
2 were shifted laterally, with a center-to-center angular separations between the pairs of, respectively, 1 degree and 2 degrees. Targets C
2 and C
3 were located, respectively, slightly above (11.9 degrees) and below (13.1 degrees) the angular declination of other targets (12.5 degrees). In linear dimensions, the target locations (x = distance from observer; y = height from floor; and z = lateral shift) were as follows: C
1 = (7.00 m, 0.15 m, and 0 m), R
1 = (6.31 m, 0.30 m, and +0.055 m), L
1 = (6.31 m, 0.30 m, and −0.055 m), R
2 = (5.75 m, 0.43 m, and +0.10 m), L
2 = (5.75 m, 0.43 m, and −0.10 m), C
2 = (4.50 m, 0.70 m, and 0 m), and C
3 = (4.50 m, 0.65 m, and 0 m).