DVA is a promising indicator for evaluating real-life functional vision in the clinical setting. The learning effect exists in almost all visual tasks, which might affect the reliability of the test result for subjective examination. The present research recruited participants with normal corrected static visual acuity. DVA of different motion types and velocities was measured repeatedly in short- and long-term intervals. Among different motion types and velocities, the study showed a significant short-term learning effect in the DVA test, but the long-term learning effect was rarely demonstrated. The learning effect in repeated measurements was associated with the initial DVA results.
Previous research demonstrated that DVA was related to motion types and velocities.
23,26 The present study performed the DVA test of 3 velocities, including 20, 40, and 80 dps, and found that DVA of 20 dps was better than 40 and 80 dps DVA. The results were consistent with previous research that DVA became worse as the velocity of the optotype increased.
23,26 As the target velocity increases, it is difficult for the human eye to pursue the movement accurately, especially when the velocity exceeds 50 dps.
27,28 As for different motion types, the present research found that horizontal motion DVA was better than vertical and diagonal motion DVA at low speed, and diagonal motion DVA was worse than the other two motions at high speed. The result was consistent with previous research that humans performed better at identifying targets with horizontal trajectory than other motion paths and outperformed in predictable motion compared with unpredictable motion.
29–31 The optotype exposure time is longer during horizontal than vertical motion. The longer exposure time means more time to pursue and identify the optotype. Unlike horizontal and vertical motion, the path of diagonal motion is unpredictable. Participants might require more time to initiate the pursuit and less time to perform the pursuit during the diagonal motion DVA test, especially in the high-speed DVA test.
Perceptual learning exists in almost all visual tasks, including determining motion direction, orientation, and spatial frequency.
16–18 The learning effect could improve the performance in visual tasks but might affect the accuracy of subjective examination involving visual perceptual tasks. The present research demonstrated significant short-term learning effects in horizontal motion tests of 20, 40, and 80 dps and vertical and diagonal motion tests of 40 dps. The result was consistent with previous research that repeat training in short duration would increase the performance of the horizontal motion DVA test.
21,22 After short interval repeated tests, the performance improvement reflects an improved signal-to-noise ratio in perceptual processing by representation enhancement and information reweighting.
15 In contrast, the long-term learning effect was only observed in the diagonal motion test of 40 dps but not in other combinations of different motion types and velocities. Consistently, previous research demonstrated that horizontal, vertical, and diagonal motion DVA tests had good repeatability when measured repeatedly in 2-week intervals.
23 The short- and long-term processes might contribute to perceptual learning, including between-session gain and forgetting.
32 The between-session forgetting could diminish the performance improvement after training cessation. Interestingly, the short-term learning effect varied among different motion and velocity DVA tests, which was detected in horizontal motion regardless of velocity and 40 dps regardless of motion. The motion-specific learning effect might be attributed to the difference in the sensitivity and performance in motion detection to different motions. The difference in the velocity-related learning effect might be due to task difficulty, which is a crucial influential factor for learning effect.
15 Future research is required to demonstrate the mechanism difference in the learning effect among the combination of different motion types and velocities.
Perceptual learning is influenced by many factors, including stimuli, tasks, feedback, and so on.
15 The present research demonstrated that the learning effect was associated with the initial DVA result. The results indicate that the participants with worse DVA tend to acquire greater improvement in repeated measurements, regardless of motion types and velocities. The outcome was consistent with previous research on the horizontal motion DVA test, which found that the training effect was more obvious for observers with poorer initial performance.
21 The research also found that male participants had greater short- and long-term learning effects in the horizontal motion DVA test of 80 dps. The difference might be related to gender-specific disparity in visual perceptual processing, which requires further investigation.
The present research has significant implications for the DVA test. Averagely, the present found obvious short-term learning effects on repeated DVA tests, especially in horizontal motion tests and high-speed tests. The results imply that a sufficient explanation and pretraining might be required before the DVA test to obtain an accurate outcome. A repeated test might be required for participants with inferior DVA in an initial test. In the current test, the pretraining was simple, which presented optotypes of fixed size and velocity consecutively. The protocol for pretraining, including the optotype and passing standard, should be further investigated to avoid the learning effect in formal tests. The long-term learning effect was not marked in the present study, which indicates the reliability of the DVA test. Additionally, the learning effect of the DVA test found in the present research indicates the potentiality of plasticity and trainability in identifying details of moving objects. For subjects with worse than normal DVA, repeated training might improve the DVA in a temporal or sustained way, which could improve the participants’ quality of life. More research is required to explore the training protocol that could optimize the training effect.
Certain limitation exists in the present research. First, only young participants with corrected to normal static vision were included. Age significantly affects DVA
25 and might also influence the learning effect of the DVA test. Future research on perceptual learning should include participants of different ages and ocular health. Second, the sequence of DVA test motion types and velocities was fixed in repeated measurements. As for visual tasks, there is usually some transfer of learning to correlated stimuli and tasks, which depends on task difficulty, training process, adaptation, and so on.
15 The transfer learning might affect the result of subsequent tests after the initial horizontal motion DVA test, although an interval was applied between tests. Third, the mechanism of short- and long-term learning has not been investigated in the present research, and more studies are required to manifest the contribution of between-session gain, forgetting, and adaptation in perceptual learning.
The present research enrolled normal participants and repeatedly performed DVA tests of different motion types and velocities in short- and long-term duration. The study found significant differences in DVA among different motion types and velocities. There was a significant short-term learning effect in the DVA test of horizontal motion and 40 dps vertical and diagonal motion, but the long-term learning effect was not observed, except for the diagonal motion of 40 dps. The learning effect in repeated measurements was greater in participants with worse initial DVA. The present research provides the basis for optimizing the DVA test protocol to provide more reliable results in clinical settings and implies the potentiality of improving DVA through repeated training. More research is required to guarantee the proper avoidance and application of perceptual learning during DVA tests in clinical and training settings.