The authors thank Irit Mann and Ido Perlman for their critical revision and assistance with the ERG data. In addition, we express our sincere appreciation to the dedicated and knowledgeable staff at the BCF (Biochemical Core Facility) of the Technion institute, mainly Galit Saar and Maya Holdengreber, for their invaluable support and expertise throughout the course of this research project.
This work was presented in part at the Israeli Society for Vision and Eye Research (ISVER) March 2022, March 2023, Tel Aviv, Israel; North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) March 2023, Orlando, FL, USA; The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) April 2023, New Orleans, LA, USA; European Society of Ophthalmology (ESO) June 2023, Prague, Czech Republic; and the 2nd Global Summit on Nanotechnology and Materials Science – GSNMS-September 2023, Rome, Italy. European Neuro-opthalmology Society (ENOS), Roterdam, Holland June 2024.
Supported by the Israel Scientific Foundation (ISF) grant No. 2509/21 (N.G-C.); the Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund, Baltimore, MD (N.G-C.). The funding organization had no role in the design or conduct of this research.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.O, A.Z., O.G., and N.G.-C.; methodology and investigation, B.O, S.R, A.Z., O.G., M.K, H.K.-S., J.B., D.F, and N.G.-C; writing original draft preparation and review and editing, B.O, A.Z., S.R, O.G., and N.G.-C; supervision, A.Z., S.R, O.G. and N.G.-C.; funding acquisition, N.G.-C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Ethics Approval: Mice were maintained and handled in accordance with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research and the National Institutes of Health guidelines. All animal protocols used in the study were approved by the local Animal Research Committee at Rabin Medical Center, Israel (RMC_02062021). The study is reported in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.
Disclosure: B. Obied, None; S. Richard, None; A. Zahavi, None; H. Kreizman-Shefer, None; J. Bajar, None; D. Fixler, None; M. Krmpotić, None; O. Girshevitz, None; N. Goldenberg-Cohen, None