Supported by the National Institute of Health (R01 EY035410, R01 EY027833, R01 EY024544, R01 EY031394, R01 EY023285, T32 EY023211, UL1TR002369, and P30 EY010572); the Malcolm M. Marquis, MD Endowed Fund for Innovation; an Unrestricted Departmental Funding Grant and H. James and Carole Free Catalyst Award from Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY), Edward N. & Della L. Thome Memorial Foundation Award, and the Bright Focus Foundation (G2020168 and M20230081).
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Yali Jia, and Jie Wang have a significant financial interest in Optovue/Visionix, Inc. and Genentech, Inc.; OHSU and Yali Jia also have a significant financial interest in Optos, Inc. These potential conflicts of interest have been reviewed and managed by OHSU.
Disclosure: N. Wongchaisuwat, None; J. Wang, Optovue/Visionix Inc. (P, R), Roche/Genentech, Inc. (P, R); T.T. Hormel, None; Y. Jia, Optovue/Visionix, Inc. (P, R), Roche/Genentech, Inc. (P, R, F), Optos, Inc. (P); E.S. White, None; N. Rodanant, None; N. Phasukkijwatana, None